Eggplant salad

Eggplant salad

Grilled eggplant and bell peppers are often on the menu during my winter stays in Turkey, where vegetables are typically cooked on a coal grill in the garden in the evening. The aromas wafting around the neighborhood are divine!

Eggplant salad

Grilled eggplant and bell peppers are often on the menu during my winter stays in Turkey, where vegetables are typically cooked on a coal grill in the garden in the evening. The aromas wafting around the neighborhood are divine!
6 servingservings


  • 2 lbs 900 g eggplant
  • 2 (10 oz.) 2 (280 g) green bell peppergreen bell peppers
  • 1 1 red chili pepperred chili peppers
  • ½ cup 120 ml mayonnaise or vegan mayonnaise
  • 1 oz. (1¾ cups) 28 g (425 ml) fresh parsley
  • 2 2 garlic clovegarlic cloves
  • 1 1 lemon, the juicelemons, the juice
  • 1 tsp 1 tsp salt
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Instructions are for 6 servings. Please modify as needed.

  1. Preheat the oven to 480ºF (250ºC).
  2. Cut the eggplants and bell peppers in half length-wise, and deseed the bell peppers.
  3. Place the vegetables peel-side up in an ovenproof dish.
  4. Set the dish in the middle of the oven, and bake for 30 minutes, turning the eggplants after 20 minutes.
  5. Remove the dish from the oven and let the vegetables cool down a little.
  6. Cut the chili in half and deseed it. Use rubber gloves to complete this task, and do not touch your face! For a spicier eggplant salad, leave the seeds in.
  7. Chop the chili very finely.
  8. Chop the parsley and crush the garlic.
  9. In a bowl, mix it all with the lemon juice.
  10. Pull the skins off the grilled vegetables and dice them. Add to the parsley mix and add the mayonnaise.
  11. Mix thoroughly.
  12. Chill for a few hours to give the flavors time to develop.

About the Recipe

LCHF is not just about eating meat or butter. Here's another great LCHF recipe from Swedish chef Birgitta Höglund. She also runs a popular low-carb/Paleo recipe blog with more delicious recipes.

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  1. Cayce
    How much parsley does this call for? Thanks
  2. NyLCHF63
    Is 10 carbs really Strict low carb?
  3. Rachel
    Parsley is NOT listed in the ingredients, but is listed in the instructions. Could you update the recipe to include the necessary amount of parsley, please? Thanks!
  4. MKL
    Where are all those carbs coming from?!?! wow.
    Reply: #9
  5. Cheryl
    This is really good. I used lime instead of a lemon, jarred jalapeños, half the mayo and added 1/4 c sour cream - lots of parsley
  6. Diana
    Many of these recipes call for a "red chili pepper". Can you be more specific about what kind of pepper? The only "red chili pepper" I can find in my grocery store is dried, and I'm guessing that is not what you mean. Would a fresh jalapeno work as well?
    Reply: #7
  7. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    Many of these recipes call for a "red chili pepper". Can you be more specific about what kind of pepper? The only "red chili pepper" I can find in my grocery store is dried, and I'm guessing that is not what you mean. Would a fresh jalapeno work as well?

    Any red chili pepper will work. Availability of different cultivars can vary by location so we tried not to specify something that may not be available to a lot of people. If you can't find any fresh red chili pictures (they are in the recipe picture for reference) then yes, you could substitute with a hot green pepper like jalapeno.

  8. Dawn
    Thank you for the great recipe! I used your egg free mayo recipe for the mayonnaise and it worked great. Few other changes I had made since I was using things on hand- subbed red chili with jalapeno, green pepper with yellow and red sweet peppers and used dried parsley instead of fresh.
  9. G
    The carbs come mostly from eggplant and bell peppers. You might find this works in smaller servings as a relish/sauce.

    DD: Please add the approximate weight of "one eggplant". Are you using the large, globe eggplants or smaller Italian or Asian type. Important difference.

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