How to make and keep a New Year’s resolution

Are you thinking about ways to improve your life in 2024? Are you pondering a range of possible New Year’s resolutions?

You may have heard that the majority of resolutions are dropped or abandoned by February. Don’t worry — that doesn’t have to apply to you this year.

We can help you create resolutions that stick, especially if you have health, weight, or diet resolutions. Our tips can help you establish daily and weekly actions to achieve your goals.

We can support you with information and community to enable you to make simple changes that lead to real results that last.

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New Year’s resolutions: their promise and pitfalls

New Year’s resolutions are a lot like the new year itself: they start out as something exciting, but before you know it, they fade away.

Why does this happen? Studies show that people do want to change, but they often choose vague, broad goals that they haven’t thought through and are not truly committed to achieving. Nor have they created the daily actions that can make a dream a reality.

Say you want to lose 30 pounds by June. That’s a great long-term goal, but whether or not you achieve it isn’t about your desire for that distant end result, but all about the small choices you make every day.

Top 10 US New Year’s resolutions

Here are the top 10 resolutions made in the US in recent years:

  1. Exercise more
  2. Lose weight
  3. Eat healthier
  4. Save money
  5. Get a better career
  6. Develop a new skill or hobby
  7. Use free time better (less time on social media)
  8. Reduce stress
  9. Quit smoking
  10. Reduce alcohol

Are any of these on your list this year? If you’re like the vast majority, the answer is “yes.”

Losing weight, getting healthy, improving diet, and getting in better shape are all top resolutions, year after year. Improving finances, jobs, and activities outside of work are also top choices.

Our 8 tips can be applied to a broad range of ways of thinking and strategizing, for all the goals on this list. (Sign up and you’ll see why.)

Plus, if this year’s resolutions include diet, health, and weight loss, we’ve got just what you need. We have a solid track record, year after year, of helping people achieve long-sought-after goals to improve their health and drop excess weight.

Sign up to get our best tips

Make your New year’s resolutions more attainable. Sign up for our newsletter to get our 8 best tips for free!
If you don’t see an email from us, please check your spam folder.