Can you start keto when you’re already pregnant?
Can you start keto when you’re already pregnant? What does Dr. Fox think about testing for food sensitivities? And how much salt should you eat on low carb?
Get the answer to these questions in this week’s Q&A with the fertility specialist Dr. Fox:
Can I start keto when already pregnant?
Im 5 months pregnant and have never tried keto before. Is it safe for me to go low carb now to control my pregnancy weight – or should I wait until after I finish breastfeeding ?
Dr. Fox:
We don’t have any solid evidence one way or the other, but I think it is fine. I believe the key is to have calories coming in every 2 hours during the first 2 months of the diet to prevent hypoglycemia [during pregnancy]. You could slowly work into it over a week or two also. Good luck!
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What do you think about blood testing for sensitivity, allergy or intolerance to food?
What do you think about blood testing for sensitivity, allergy or intolerance to food? How accurate those tests? Do they reflect real situation?
Dr. Fox:
I tell my patients that allergies and immune system dysfunction improves dramatically on the diet. I recommend starting the diet and then assessing for food allergies or disturbances. If you don’t have symptoms, I definitely would not test.
How much daily recommended salt intake on an LCHF diet?
How much daily recommended salt intake on an LCHF diet?
Dr. Fox:
I recommend an extra 2000 mg per day. Just salting one’s food to taste will likely solve the problem.