
21 high protein
snacks, ranked

High protein food makes a perfect snack. Why?

Protein is a vital nutrient for maintaining muscle mass and bone health. That’s important for all of us, but critical as we get older.

Unfortunately, many people, especially women, may not eat enough protein.

Could that be you? Find out more in the section at the end of this guide.

Protein is good for you, filling, and doesn’t raise blood sugar to the same degree that sugary and starchy snacks can. Studies show that protein has little to no impact on blood sugar in both in both people with type 2 diabetes and those without.

That’s why protein is the perfect snack, especially if you want to feel full with less hunger.

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High protein snack ranking

Do you feel hungry between meals? That may be because you’re not getting enough protein. Kill hunger and cravings with a 10-gram serving. This snack size helps you feel fuller until your next meal.

Sometimes, you’ll get a bit more if the serving size makes more sense that way. (For example, it’s hard to eat 1.75 eggs, so you’ll get almost 13 grams from two eggs.🥚🥚)

While you’re getting your protein fix, don’t forget to keep carbs low. Many of these snacks have less than 1 gram of net carbs; none has more than 7 grams.

We rank each snack based on four characteristics:

  1. Is it low in net carbs?
  2. Is the % of energy from protein high?
  3. Is it easy and convenient?
  4. Is it inexpensive?

For each characteristic, a snack gets a score of one to five stars. Add them up for a total of 20 possible stars.

To learn more about how we ranked the snacks, or to sort them based on the characteristic you care about most, please at the end of the ranking.

We obtained nutrition information from FoodData Central, the USDA’s nutrient profile database.

If you love variety and want to mix and match these snacks, then for creative snacks you can put together anytime.

1. Canned fish and seafood

19/20 stars

Want protein? Just a few savory forkfuls of canned fish or seafood deliver 10 grams of it. Aim for 2 ounces (60 grams).

The perfect snack in so many ways. Easy to store. Relatively inexpensive if you go for tuna. (But pricey if you go for crab.) It’s mostly protein with virtually no carbs.

Canned fish comes cooked, so sprinkle on herbs, add a squeeze of lemon, or just dig in. It’s a quick snack that you can keep stocked in your pantry.

Whether you choose firm tuna, briny sardines, or delicate lump crab, it’s a win on the protein front.

Overall 19 ★
Low in carbs ★★★★★ Net carbs: <1 gram
High % protein ★★★★★ Protein: 11 grams
Convenient ★★★★ Serving size: 2 ounces (60 grams)
Inexpensive ★★★★★ ~ 50 calories (for tuna)

2. Zero-sugar jerky

16/20 stars

Zero-sugar jerky

High protein snack recipes

If you love to cook, snacks don’t have to come out of a package. Try one of our snack-friendly recipes for lots of protein without many carbs.


What’s protein?

Protein is a nutrient that your body uses to build and maintain muscles, skin, and even bone. It’s key for appetite control, too.

When you’re hungry just a couple of hours after eating, it may be because you didn’t eat enough protein at your last meal.

Fill the gap with one of these tasty high protein snacks.

Learn more about protein in our complete protein guide. Or, check out the chart below to find out how much protein you should be eating on most days.

Minimum daily protein target

Under 5’4″ ( < 163 cm) 90 grams 105 grams
5’4″ to 5’7″ (163 to 170 cm) 100 grams 110 grams
5’8″ to 5’10” (171 to 178 cm) 110 grams 120 grams
5’11” to 6’2″ (179 to 188 cm) 120 grams 130 grams
Over 6’2″ (188 cm +) 130 grams 140 grams

Learn more about protein