What do you wish you had known when you started keto?


Our Diet Doctor Facebook group is a forum for our members, where you can discuss all things keto or low carb.

What are some hot topics among our members? This is what trended in The Diet Doctor Facebook group last week:

What do you wish you had known when you started keto?

If you were to restart your keto journey, what do you wish you had known? This question was raised in a post in the Facebook group this week, and so far there are 181 insightful comments.

This a great topic to discuss. If you are new to keto and learn about mistakes that have already been made by those who have followed the diet for a long time, then you set yourself up for better success.

The only caveat is that you often learn best from your own mistakes, so don’t stop trying for fear of failure. Making mistakes is sometimes necessary to reach deep insights.

Here are some of the insights that our members shared about their journey:

  • Prepare by reading about and researching the diet as much as you can before you start.
  • Try intermittent fasting and don’t snack – these tips can be “game changers”.
  • Fat bombs, keto supplements and MCT oil are not necessary. Keep it simple.
  • Read labels! Just because it is labeled keto doesn’t mean that it is.
  • Tailor the diet to your needs and don’t compare yourself to others because everyone is different.
  • Stay off the scale and take your measurements instead. Sometimes the scale won’t move, but you may still drop a size.


What do you wish you had known when you started keto? Leave a comment below.