Kerry Merritt

kerry-merrittKerry Merritt has been following a ketogenic lifestyle since 2017. After struggling with food addiction and the “move more, eat less” mantra, she happened to read an article about keto online and decided to learn more. She put her Journalism degree to work and dove head first into learning about the science behind keto.

Within the first year, she lost nearly 50 pounds and was able to stop taking her blood pressure and heartburn medications. She was thrilled to not only have found a way of eating that worked for weight loss, but was also sustainable! While calorie-counting diets always failed because of hunger and feelings of deprivation, keto provided a whole new perspective on health and satisfaction through proper food choices.

Over the years, she has helped multiple friends and family members find success with low carb and keto, and she is thrilled to also be able to help others via the Diet Doctor community.

As a part of the Diet Doctor Team, Kerry helps monitor comments on the website and Facebook page, as well as answer member emails. She also helps moderate the private Facebook group for Diet Doctor members.


Team Diet Doctor