‘I don’t regard keto as a diet; it’s a healthier way of life’


Is the keto diet a good way to eliminate any excess weight gained during lockdown?

Indiannie, a 44-year-old from Bristol, UK, wrote a short message to us about how getting rid of carbs helped her get down to her healthy pre-lockdown weight again.

Indiannie’s story has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Indiannie’s story

After the first lockdown, I went from a size 8 to 14 because I was eating more carbs than I burned. Mortified as I suffer from body dysmorphia, I had to do something.

I started the keto diet in June 2020 and have now gone down to my original size of 8. I also have more energy!

I don’t regard keto as a diet; it’s a healthier way of life. The meals are delicious, and as a chef, I have created my own recipes for bread and other main foods.

My son also started keto, and he’s losing weight for the first time in his life. He loves the fudge recipes: heavy whipping cream, 80% dark chocolate, and two tablespoons of alternate sugar. I also take collagen and make my own hotshots, using fresh ginger, oranges, and lemons.

My top tip is to stick with keto; it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Keto is a wonderful way of losing weight, especially as an aspiring actress.

I fast a couple of times a week, dropped all high-carb food, and replaced them with low-carb substitutes and vegetables. Whatever I fancy, it’s always satisfying and keto-friendly. There’s a keto recipe for whatever you crave!


Congrats on your success Indiannie! There is no question that the COVID lockdowns increased stress and weight gain for scores of people. But as you demonstrated, you can overcome it! I am thrilled you found the lifestyle that works for you and are committed to sticking with it. Keep up the great work.
/ Dr. Bret Scher

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