Pico de gallo

Pico de gallo

This easy chunky pico de gallo recipe comes together in minutes. Fresh tomatoes, onion, cilantro, jalapeño, and lime make this recipe fresh and delicious.

Pico de gallo

This easy chunky pico de gallo recipe comes together in minutes. Fresh tomatoes, onion, cilantro, jalapeño, and lime make this recipe fresh and delicious.
4 servingservings


Pico de gallo
  • 4 oz. (23 cup) 110 g (150 ml) tomato, seeded and dicedtomatoes, seeded and diced
  • 2 oz. (523 tbsp) 55 g (80 ml) red onion, dicedred onions, diced
  • ½ ½ lime, juicelimes, juice
  • ½ oz. 14 g fresh jalapeño, slicedfresh jalapeños, sliced
  • ¼ cup (18 oz.) 60 ml (4 g) fresh cilantro, finely chopped
  • salt and pepper, to taste
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Pico de gallo

  1. Mix the tomato, red onion, lime juice, jalapeño, and cilantro. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Set aside.


For a spicier version, try using habanero peppers instead of jalapeños.


Serve this with low-carb tacos, grilled fish, meat, any Mexican-style dish your heart desires.

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