Keto cheese omelet

Keto cheese omelet

Got cheese, eggs, and butter? Then you can whip up 'delicious' in no time. Whether it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner, this cheesy keto dish never disappoints. Delight your taste buds and keep your belly full for hours!

Keto cheese omelet

Got cheese, eggs, and butter? Then you can whip up 'delicious' in no time. Whether it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner, this cheesy keto dish never disappoints. Delight your taste buds and keep your belly full for hours!
2 servingservings


  • 3 oz. 85 g butter
  • 6 6 eggeggs
  • 1¾ cups (7 oz.) 425 ml (200 g) shredded cheddar cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste
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  1. Whisk the eggs until smooth and slightly frothy. Blend in half of the shredded cheddar. Salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Melt the butter in a hot frying pan. Pour in the egg mixture and let it set for a few minutes.
  3. Lower the heat and continue to cook until the egg mixture is almost cooked through. Add the remaining shredded cheese. Fold and serve immediately.


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  1. Salman Sam
    Can I eat this with roti or bread? Help me out. I've never eaten anything without roti and bread
  2. Mark
    No bread on Keyo diet UNLESS its the Keto version
  3. Georgie
    I found the cheddar too salty so I think in future I will use either Edam or a combination of both.
  4. Richa
    Hi. I am a t1d, a celiac and new to keto. I wanted to understand where the 4g carbs are coming from? Is it cheese?
    Your site has been wonderful for me over the last 7-10 days in understanding more about Keto and how it can help keep my blood sugars in control. Could you also please suggest any substitutes for bacon, chicken and beef. These items are either not easily available in India or are really bad/low quality or very very expensive and its better to not have something of poor quality, right. I know its a difficult task but please let me know if you have suggestions.
    Reply: #5
  5. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor
    Richa, the carbs come from the eggs and the cheese. For the meats, you can substitute in other meat that you can access locally.
  6. Lisa
    A lot of the breakfast recipes use a lot of eggs do you have to eat the entire meal in 1 sitting. Also, I am allergic to peanuts. What's an alternative to Almond and coconut flour?
    Reply: #7
  7. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    A lot of the breakfast recipes use a lot of eggs do you have to eat the entire meal in 1 sitting. Also, I am allergic to peanuts. What's an alternative to Almond and coconut flour?

    This specific recipe is written to make 2 omelets. Almond and coconut flour bring different properties to different baked goods, there are no universal substitute recommendations.

  8. Nancy shepherd
    If you're allergic to peanuts not tree nuts there is no reason not to use almond flour.
  9. Elizabeth
    I halved the recipe and made 1 serve which I cooked in a small pan. I know this is a high fat diet but my omelette was literally swimming in this amount of butter. I used 40 grams. Is this correct?
    Reply: #10
  10. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    I halved the recipe and made 1 serve which I cooked in a small pan. I know this is a high fat diet but my omelette was literally swimming in this amount of butter. I used 40 grams. Is this correct?

    You can use 20 - 30 grams if that suits your preferences better.

  11. Roy Ali
    Can I eat in breakfast steel cut oats with almond & blueberries or omelette with bell peppers onion tomato
    Pls reply
    Reply: #12
  12. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    Can I eat in breakfast steel cut oats with almond & blueberries or omelette with bell peppers onion tomato
    Pls reply

    Oatmeal is much too high carb to be part of a ketogenic diet.

  13. Linda
    I have become astounded (being a big time bread and milk person) at just how much I do not miss it...the first week was hard but I got through it. I have found that the keto breads are good if I find myself really craving bread, but for the most part, I just do not crave carbs like I used to anymore. I have had to go to keeping my keto bread in the freezer and then just taking out a piece when I want it or it spoils in the fridge because I go so long in between eating it....I am so in love with this way of eating!!!
  14. Liza
    Am I supposed to have 1 serving for breakfast or 2?
    Reply: #15
  15. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    Am I supposed to have 1 serving for breakfast or 2?

    If you are cooking for one person, you can select 1 serving from the drop down menu.

  16. Terry
    Any fruits are allowed ?
    Reply: #17
  17. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    Any fruits are allowed ?

    Here is our guide to fruits.

  18. Tori
    Yum! I thought this would be so rich and dense and it was light and a little crunchy and sooo tasty although I did have to drink two huge glasses of water with it. Will make this again for sure!

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