To be able to provide people around the world with trustworthy information about health, we have decided not to show any ads, not take industry money and not sell any products. We’re fully funded by the people, via our 60,000+ members. Signing up for a free membership trial gives you immediate access to the full Diet Doctor experience.
After a free 30-day trial the price is US$14.99 per month or US$119 per year. No commitment. Cancel online at any time. If you cancel your subscription within 14 days you pay nothing. Here are all the benefits you get access to as a member.
You, together with other members, make it possible to achieve our long-term goal: to empower people everywhere to revolutionize their health. Hundreds of millions of people around the world are suffering from diseases and health problems that could be improved and even cured with a lifestyle change based on the latest research, complemented with inspiration and practical tips. Unfortunately, progress is being slowed down by deep-rooted beliefs, prestige and economic interests in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Instead, we want to accelerate the shift towards a healthier future by spreading knowledge and being one hundred percent independent of said industries. You can contribute to this goal. Here are some strong signs suggesting that we’re on the right track: There’s still an enormous amount of work to do – and we’re looking forward to it. Recording and publishing high quality video interviews, courses, lectures and creating recipes etc. requires a major team effort. With your membership, you’ll be an active part of our efforts towards a healthier future.About Diet Doctor Plus
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