“I was amazed at what I could eat and how much weight I lost”

Before and after

Caroline had issues with her weight throughout her whole adult life and had to use massive amounts of exercise to even try to control it. Eventually she suffered a knee injury and had to stop exercising.

Now she had to find a new way to lose weight. A friend had tried low-carb and she decided to give it a try. This is where she is after six months:

The email

I have had a weight problem all my adult life and I have tried many diets. I could always lose weight at first but eventually put the weight back on and added more. I was addicted to sweet foods, I used to crave sweet food in the afternoon and evening, I really felt out of control and I couldn’t stop not even for a day. I used to do massive amounts of exercise to try to reduce my weight, going to the gym and running.

Eventually, my knees gave me pain and my doctor told me to stop running. I got two dogs and walked, I averaged on my iPhone pedometer 5 miles a day over a 12-month period but I didn’t lose any weight. At 55 years old I have an under-active thyroid and take medication, sleep apnea and I am on HRT. It seemed impossible to lose weight!

My friend told me about LCHF and she had tried it with her friend who was newly diagnosed diabetic. I bought a book for an 8-week blood sugar diet, I tried it but found it too severe.

I searched the internet and found Diet Doctor and started the 2-week free challenge. For the first time in my life I stopped craving sugar and carbs, I was amazed at what I could eat and how much weight I lost.

Now I feel and look so much better, I am able to eat many of the foods I like and I don’t need the carbs. One of the best outcomes for me is that I am totally cured of my IBS. It went within the first week of the diet, and this has made such a difference to my daily life. This weekend I had a girls’ weekend away and we visited Buckingham Palace for a special exhibition. In the Palace café I was able to have strawberries and cream for my treat! I was easily able to resist the cakes and pastries as I was eating the food I love.

The diet suits me so well, I have been on it six months and lost nearly 28 pounds (13 kg), it’s now a way of life. We don’t have any bread in the house, not even the freezer!

My biggest challenge has been buying lunch whilst working away, finding ready-made food that I can eat. I usually go for things like salad with mayo, cold meats, prawns with dipping sauce, scotch eggs, raspberries and cream usually from M&S.

I did find the start of the diet difficult as I had sugar withdrawal and I did feel ill with the flu-like symptoms. It soon passed and I really don’t want to go through that again so I am sticking to my moderate LCHF diet. Now I do physical activity for fun and I have taken up golf, I am enjoying life more, feel motivated and enjoying buying a few new clothes as I get thinner!

Best wishes,


Keep up the great work, Caroline!

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Low Carb for Beginners

How to Lose Weight

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