Another weight-gain trend reversed

I received an e-mail from Leanne in Cape Town, South Africa, about how she kept gaining weight while trying various diets. Here’s what happened when she instead recently found low-carb:
The Email
My name is Leanne. I’m 28 years old, married and a mother of 2. Since 2007, I have had a severe increase in my weight going from 95 kg to my heaviest at the beginning of this year 2014, a whopping 147 kg. I have tried during the past 7 years various diets and ‘healthy products’ but always losing and when I cannot afford the ‘diet’ products I pick up all the weight again.
I found out about your site via my mom in March this year. At first I was very sceptical due to the HIGH FAT intake. It baffled me that it was the first time I’m hearing such a thing. I’ve always heard the healthy way is low-fat, fat-free and so on.
Well, I am proud to say that thanks to your site, words and videos I have managed to lose 9 kg / 15 lbs in just 6 weeks. I haven’t started any exercises except a 30 min walk a day and I’m beyond surprised at the fact that I have virtually no cravings for anything sweet and when on occasion (Mother’s Day) I have a piece of cake, I almost immediately follow it with 2 glasses of water.
Thank you for your guidance and your insight.
I have attached 2 photos of me at the beginning and one taken yesterday.Regards,
Leanne, Cape Town, South Africa
Congratulations Leanne!
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