Dr. Joanne McCormack, MD


joanne-mccormack-1Dr. Joanne McCormack, MD, is part of the Diet Doctor low-carb expert panel.

I am a UK family doctor (qualified 1986) who worked as a safeguarding children’s doctor for several years as well as a family GP. My website, www.fatismyfriend.co.uk, helps people and their families change their lifestyles, particularly if they have diabetes, or are at risk of developing it. There is a link to DietDoctor.com, of course. I use low carbohydrate, ketogenic, intermittent fasting and time-restricted ways of eating and living. I do not use low-calorie diets, and I advise against low-fat eating because of the risk of missing out on the fat-soluble vitamins, and essential fats. I have followed a low-carbohydrate diet myself since 2014.

In my role as a safeguarding GP, I saw the irony of thwarting all sorts of child abuse, but accepting and turning a blind eye to the harm caused by unnecessary sugary drinks and foods. For that reason I encourage whole families and communities to change their lifestyles and not just the individual with obesity or diabetes. Not everyone gets overweight, but a diet that is not nutritious enough, and one that contains toxins harms us all eventually, one way or another. I was very impressed with Diet Doctor when I first saw it and encourage people to use it for encouragement and recipes, as well as the great videos.

Potential conflicts of interest

I am a founder member and trustee of the British charity the Public Health Collaboration. I am a freelance GP in the NHS. I have no financial links to Diet Doctor.

More with Dr. McCormack


Team Diet Doctor

The low-carb expert panel