Dr. William Yancy, MD

Will Yancy_round


    Is there science to support low carb?

Medically reviewed evidence-based guides for Diet Doctor

How to lose belly fat

Bariatric surgery for metabolic health and weight loss

What to do about constipation on a low-carb or keto diet

Aiming to understand the dawn effect

How low carb is keto?

14-day low-carb diet plan

Potential conflicts of interest

Dr. Yancy eats a whole foods diet emphasizing foods lower in carbohydrate and higher in protein, fat, and fiber. He also believes that physical activity is important to health.

He also has a contract agreement with DietDoctor.com to review guides and news stories for clinical accuracy and appropriate interpretation of evidence. He receives payment for his reviews.

Dr. Yancy has had other an unpaid, voluntary roles for:

  • American Diabetes Association, as a nutrition recommendation writing committee member
  • American Board of Obesity Medicine, as an item writing committee member
  • The Obesity Society, American Diabetes Association and multiple scientific journals, as an abstract and article reviewer


Team Diet Doctor