Libby Jenkinson

Libby Profile SQUARE

Libby’s impressive 25-year medical career in the UK and New Zealand includes positions as Drug Information Pharmacist, Dispensary Manager, Ob/Gyn Pharmacist, Pediatric Pharmacist, Renal and Hepatic Pediatric Specialist, Chair London Dispensary Managers Group, and recently, Community Pharmacist for 12 years in NZ. A few years ago, she decided to retire and dedicate herself fully to Ditch The Carbs and Low-Carb Practitioners.

She made this transition for one powerful reason.

I have witnessed for decades the effects of chronic high blood sugars in my patients. I understand how wide-reaching metabolic syndrome is to almost every chronic disease. I have helped more people regain their health in the last few years by sharing low-carb nutrition than in my 25-year career dispensing medication.

Libby teaches her readers how to control their appetite, lose weight, and regain their health by using her stepwise method in the 4-week QUICKSTART program. With this closed private membership, she conducts weekly lessons and goes deeper into low-carb topics.

Her popular website, Ditch The Carbs, has hundreds of recipes that are all sugar-free, grain-free, and low-carb. Many are also keto, paleo, carnivore, and dairy-free.

Like Diet Doctor, the majority of her readership is from the USA. She also has an international following from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa.

Libby also collaborates with many health care professionals who help their patients use the low-carb approach via Low-Carb Practitioners. This is a worldwide directory and events-listing website, and also a go-to website for both patients and practitioners.

Libby has written a few articles for Diet Doctor in the past and we are thrilled to collaborate with her again. We share a similar mission to spread low-carb and ketogenic nutrition worldwide as rapidly as possible. Together, we want YOU to live your very best healthy life.


Libby’s keto recipes


Meal plan


Keto recipes by Ditch the Carbs

This exclusive keto meal plan was developed in collaboration with Libby Jenkinson, founder of Ditch the Carbs. Libby, a former pharmacist, has dedicated her life to educating the world about low carb living.

Her real-food keto recipes are family-friendly, include easy-to-find ingredients, and are ready to eat in minutes. This keto meal plan will keep you below 15 grams of carbs on average each day.

Enjoy quick and hearty breakfast recipes such as: Keto breakfast wrap, 1-minute keto mug muffins, and Keto egg casserole with zucchini and ham.

Lunches and dinners include: Weeknight keto chili bake, Avocado bacon chicken bun-less burger, Meatloaf muffins, Quick keto curry bowl, and Steak with low carb mushroom sauce.

Start losing weight today with this keto meal plan by Ditch the Carbs and Diet Doctor!

Full meal plan →


Low-carb kids – how to raise children on real low-carb food
Thinking differently: low-carb hacks
6 ways to stay low carb or keto when you don’t want to cook
How to help transition your children to low-carb real food
How to make a low-carb or keto diet cheaper


Libby’s e-books

Check out Libby’s Low-carb e-book shop.

Diet Doctor receives no payment or other considerations from the sale of Libby’s cookbooks or the publishing of this post.

Potential conflicts of interest

Updated September 28, 2021.

Libby receives income from her websites (Ditch The Carbs and Ditch The Carbs Pro) from the sales of her own self-published ebooks, courses, and private membership. She is one of the very rare bloggers who refuse sponsored posts and company funding so she may remain trusted and independent. Some website links may be affiliate links to products or services that Libby already uses herself but she is in no way influenced by these companies.

Her new website, Low-Carb Practitioners, does not receive funding, sponsorship, or advertising revenue nor does she charge for practitioners to create their listings. It is a free service to help everyone worldwide find a low-carb and keto-friendly practitioner near them.

Libby and her entire family eat low-carb.