Dr. Bret Scher, MD


Medically reviewed evidence-based guides
25 high-protein breakfast ideas
How to get started on a high-protein diet
14-day high-protein meal plan
Top 10 tasty ways to eat more protein and less fat
Heavy hips and legs – could you have lipedema?
The best high-protein vegetables for weight loss
The best high-protein dairy for weight loss
The best high-protein nuts
The best plant-based high-protein foods
The best high-protein meat, seafood & eggs
Top 20 questions about high-protein diets
Debunking keto myths about fat
Mediterranean diet 101: a complete guide and meal plan
9 potential health benefits of turmeric and curcumin
The best high-protein foods for weight loss
21 high-protein snacks, ranked
The Atkins diet: a complete guide and helpful hints
Dirty, lazy keto: Is it for you?
Our top 8 weight loss meal plans & meal prep tips
Long-term weight loss success
The top 10 weight loss programs, according to science
Is the paleo diet right for you?
How to lose weight fast: 5 easy evidence-based steps
Diverticulitis and the low-carb diet
Eggs: 10 health benefits and nutrition facts
Broccoli 101: nutrition facts and tasty tips
Top 7 nutrition facts and health benefits of avocado
Is a keto diet helpful for migraines and cluster headaches?
What you need to know about nitrates and nitrites
15 high-fiber foods that are low in carbs
Top 10 high-protein foods
Apple cider vinegar: pros and cons
Are low-carb and keto diets healthy for bones?
Keto and low-carb dairy: the best and the worst
Blood pressure drugs: the 8 major classes of medications
How to gain weight on low carb or keto
7 things to know about gluten on a keto or low-carb diet
Blood tests for patients on low carb
Weight gain and menopause: 8 tips to win the battle of the middle-age bulge
Fatty liver disease and keto: 5 things to know
Carbohydrates on a keto or low-carb diet
Trying to conceive? Try the better baby diet of beef, butter & bacon
What is a keto diet, and other common questions
How much food is 20 or 50 grams of carbs?
Low-carb drinks – the best and the worst
Diet Doctor’s policy on eating meat
Starting low carb or keto with diabetes medications
Ketogenic diet food list
How low carb is low carb?
How low carb is keto?
Low-carb foods
Eating low carb or keto when breastfeeding
Can low carb help lung disease?
Time-restricted eating – a detailed intermittent fasting guide
FAQ about low-carbohydrate diets and mental health
Type 2 diabetes
IBS and the keto diet
How to reverse your type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes – What happened and how we can fix it
Ketogenic diet for mental health: Come for the weight loss, stay for the mental health benefits?
How to potentially reverse PCOS with low carb
Sinking our teeth into the carnivore diet: what’s known, what’s not
How sugar may damage the brain
The ketogenic diet for Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment: can it help?
Is low carb and keto safe during pregnancy?
Can low carb or keto help with gestational diabetes in pregnancy?
Low carb and mental health: Getting started and managing medications
Can a keto diet treat brain cancer?
Setting realistic expectations
How to follow a healthy vegetarian keto diet
Harnessing hunger with a low-carb lifestyle
Troubleshooting a weight-loss stall with our tips and guides
How to lower LDL cholesterol on a low-carb diet
Guide for low-carb dietitians
7 things you need to know about alcohol and the keto diet
Low-carb sweeteners, the best and the worst
Top 10 tips to lose weight on low carb or keto for women 40+
Keto drinks – the best and the worst
Low carb and mental health: The food-mood connection
Can keto or low-carb diets improve acne?
The complete guide to ketosis
How to normalize your blood pressure
Low carb & keto for clinicians
Do you need electrolyte supplementation on a keto diet?
Do you need to eat fruits and vegetables?
Should you count calories on a low-carb or keto diet?
Protein on a low-carb or keto diet
Is a low-carb or keto diet right for you?
Low-carb and keto side effects & how to cure them
Gout and low carb
Keto diet foods — top three mistakes at the grocery store
Low-carb fats and sauces – the best and the worst
Guide to red meat – is it healthy?
Keto fats, sauces and oils – the good, the bad and the ugly
A comprehensive guide to salt
Healthy fats on a keto or low-carb diet
How to eat low carb as a vegan
Weight, health and happiness: striking the right balance
What you need to know about low blood pressure
Low-carb snacks – the best and the worst
Low-carb alcohol – the best and the worst drinks
How much protein should you eat?
High blood pressure – what you need to know
Six ways to kick nasty leg cramps to the curb
Low-carb nuts
The diabetes diet: the best foods to control diabetes
“Healthy” whole grains: What the evidence really shows
How to lose weight with a low-carb diet
Why low carb can help you lose weight
What you need to know about a low-carb diet and your kidneys
What is normal blood pressure?
How to lose weight
Cholesterol and low-carb diets
A user guide to saturated fat
Keto sweeteners – the best and the worst
Get started keto challenge 2019
Starting a low-carb or keto diet with high blood pressure
The science of low carb and keto
Top 17 low-carb & keto controversies
Low-carb vegetables
Keto nuts
Keto snacks
Keto alcohol
Keto fruits
Does the brain need carbs?
Keto vegetables
Vegetable oils: What we know and what we don’t
Ketogenic diet foods – what to eat
14-day ketogenic diet plan and menu
A low-carb diet for beginners
A keto diet for beginners
Potential conflicts of interest
Updated August 8, 2019.
Dr. Scher has a full-time contract agreement with DietDoctor.com to serve as Medical Director, run the Diet Doctor Podcast, write medical blogs, and review guides and news stories for medical accuracy. Like every coworker, he also gets the option to become a co-owner in the Diet Doctor company.
He receives book royalties from Your Best Health Ever: A Cardiologist’s Surprisingly Simple Guide to What Really Works.
Dr. Scher is the owner of Boundless Health, Inc, a virtual online health coach consulting service aimed at improving people’s lives through lifestyle interventions.
Dr. Scher eats a low-carb diet.