Dr. Tony Hampton’s low-carb corner
Meet Dr. Tony Hampton, who is empowering thousands of patients on Chicago’s South Side to improve their health and wellness. Dr. Hampton is on Diet Doctor’s expert medical panel.
Since discovering low-carb he has been a passionate promoter of low-carb eating. He wrote a popular book, Fix Your Diet, Fix Your Diabetes. He’s very active on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and makes informative Youtube videos and easy-to-follow cooking demonstrations. He also has his own website.
Dr. Hampton’s latest columns
Dr. Tony Hampton’s recipes
Dr. Hampton’s cooking videos
Dr. Hampton’s podcasts
More with Dr. Hampton
- Author page: Dr. Tony Hampton
- Twitter: @drtonyhampton
- YouTube channel: Dr. Tony Hampton
- Website: doctortonyhampton.com
- Dr. Hampton’s book on Amazon: Fix Your Diet, Fix Your Diabetes: Your Dietary Solution to Reversing Diabetes
- More about Dr. Hampton’s book: Fix Your Diet, Fix Your Diabetes: Your Dietary Solution to Reversing Diabetes
- Dr. Hampton’s patient handout