‘Everything about me has changed’

Woman applying moisturizing cream on hands

Emily’s dermatologist told her that her skin issues were due to inflammation, so she started reading, and heard that ketosis could be a great way to overcome it.

So she put all the info together and started on a ketogenic diet. This is where it has taken her:

The e-mail

First, thank you for all you do at Diet Doctor. You have helped countless numbers of people in so many different ways. My journey began the same way as many other 60+ women report: a slow but steady gain of a pound or two each year with increasing difficulty losing those pounds each year.

Add in numerous small, medium, and large health issues like high cholesterol, arthritis, thyroid issues, and skin problems and you have a recipe for not-so-golden golden years. The straw that broke this camel’s back was a bout of granuloma annulare, an idiopathic skin condition.

In seeking information and treatment, something the dermatologist said stuck with me. He said that skin problems are the result of inflammation in the body. Which is what they said when I had pityriasis rosea several years ago and what I read in one of Oz and Roisen’s books as the origins of cholesterol issues (something like oomentum fat irritating the liver?). So I read, and read, and finally found some of Bruce Fife’s work and started incorporating coconut oil and healthy fats. He also spoke of ketosis as a way to burn up the junk in your cells that accumulates over time. Hmmmmm. So I put all the info together and started on a ketogenic diet to get rid of the nasty rash and maybe a few other problems along the way.

I started out in late July and went very low carb, and lost ten pounds (5 kg) in three weeks. I also got a terrible case of keto flu. About that time I found a link to your website, and drank up all the wonderful information and learned how to do it right. Over the next few months, my arthritis eased, my skin began to clear, my depression lightened, and lo and behold, I’d lost 20 pounds (9 kg)!

My family got tired of hearing me sing your praises, and they joined in. My sister has lost 18 lbs (8 kg), my guy has lost 30 lbs (14 kg), and my niece 10 lbs (5 kg). I went for my annual cardiologist’s visit, and asked him what he thought the long-term risks for my new lifestyle were. He gave me his stamp of approval, saying it was the latest science! So it’s now five months later, and I’m 30 pounds (14 kg) lighter.

Everything about me has changed; my thinking is clearer than it has been in the past 20 years. It’s late December, and the depression from my SAD is nonexistent.The arthritis that caused me to take early retirement is all but gone. My skin is clear. I feel really good! I weigh about what I did after college, and I’m 63. I had Thanksgiving, a birthday, and Christmas and ate no treats or sweets; I had no desire for them. This is my permanent lifestyle, because it is effortless, and so good for me and to me.

Thank you for all you have done for me and my family!


Congratulations Emily to your success!

Get started

Do you want to try what Emily has done? Sign up for our free 2-week keto low-carb challenge!



A low-carb diet for beginners

A ketogenic diet for beginners

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