“Everything changed for me once I did a lifestyle change”

I just got another e-mail from Mexico with an impressive success story!
The Email
I was 366+ lbs (166 kg) back in February 2012 (now I’m at 253 lbs (114 kg)). Everything changed for me once I did a lifestyle change and started LCHF and being more active (walking at first, then Kettlebell fitness and now I started with Kettlebell sport training and rowing on a Concept2 indoor rowing machine that I added to my home gym).
I see my life differently now than what it was before (and not just because of those 100+ lbs that I have lost up until now – I hope to lose more). I see all the benefits that this change have done to my health (depression, sleep apnea, hemorrhoids, skin rashes, poor circulation on my legs – all that is GONE. I’ve been in the IT support industry for more than 20 years now, so lots of sitting all day for me, but now all is great and I’m finding that I enjoy the freedom that I have with the day to day activities that I do not remember ever doing (running, playing alongside my kids, happiness and loving myself and yes – getting clothes that fit me fine). LCHF has had such a positive impact on my life that I have no words to thank you.
Thank you for all that you do, your site and your presentation (The Food Revolution) that have helped me so much.

Congratulations on your fantastic transformation, Gabriel!
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