We received this fantastic e-mail from a very happy Nikolas, about his quick type 2 diabetes reversal:
Good afternoon,
My name is Nikolas and I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes four months ago. At this moment, the last days of December 2016, I am completely diabetes free without using any medications at all! I am free from any kind of medication. My doctor just used the standard protocol and prescribed Metformin for me but since making my research on your website I decided to go low carb high fat!
I was also fasting once a week for detoxification according to the advice of Jason Fung. Unfortunately I don’t like picturing myself but I am 20 kilos (44 lbs) less than I was in August 2016! This is amazing advice you gave me, not to use and follow the standard protocol and taking medications for a dietary disease! It is the worst thing doing to people giving them medications instead of advising fasting and a low carb high fat approach!
Thanks very much,
Congratulations to your amazing diabetes reversal, Nicolas!
Do you have a success story you want to share? Send your information, plus before and after photos, to success@dietdoctor.com. It would also be greatly appreciated if you shared what you eat in a typical day, whether you fast etc. More information: