“I feel this is definitely the way for me for the rest of my life”

Photo: GettyImages

Wendy struggled with a yo-yoing weight, but after losing weight on a low-fat diet and realizing that it wasn’t sustainable, she found Diet Doctor and changed tactics:

I have been a typical yo-yo dieter for most of my adult life… I’m 51… Last September I experienced a very stressful period and lost 13 lbs (6 kg) without trying. This motivated me to again start a diet (low fat). It did work and I lost a further 42 lbs (19 kg) by April this year.

I came across your website and everything made perfect sense and I realized why yes, I could lose weight but would gain it again historically once a normal food regime was commenced even though I still used to have low-fat no-fried food etc.

So I changed tactics and followed advice from your site and followed an LCHF diet. I couldn’t believe I could eat butter meat eggs etc. and lose weight but I have… A further 28 lbs (13 kg) which I lost between April and July.

I have remained the same weight since then, give or take a couple of pounds sometimes, but I easily lose this over a week or so by cutting down on protein. I am a 5 foot 7 (170 cm) female and currently weigh 72 kg (159 lbs). I’m happy with that but would like to be 68 – 70 kg (149 – 152 lbs) so I’m going to be very strict in the new year.

I found all the advice and information on your site brilliant… It is fascinating to know about the hormonal process that happens when we eat. My outlook on my food intake has completely changed… I no longer spend hours looking at food to check fat and sugar content as I eat pure foods.

I have found it useful also to only eat 1 g of protein per kg of ideal body weight like you state. I only need to eat twice a day now too. My typical diet is now either breakfast… Scrambled eggs which I enjoy with mushrooms cooked in butter… Or egg salad for lunch. For tea it’s a steak fish or other meat with cauliflower and broccoli or salad. I use mayo on my salads. I even have take away curries and massala obviously without rice or nan bread.

I no longer feel I’m on a diet and I certainly do not feel deprived of food, in fact the opposite is true. I feel this is definitely the way for me for the rest of my life and I am very happy with the results… In particular being able to maintain my weight which I have never managed before.

Your recipes are great as well. I am always talking about your site to inspire people I know who are struggling with typical diets and failing.

Thank you for changing my life for the better,


Congratulations, Wendy! We’re glad that you’ve found a way of eating that suits you.

How to do it

Get started

Do you want to try what Wendy has done? Sign up for our free 2-week keto low-carb challenge!

Alternatively, use our free low-carb guide, or for maximum simplicity try out our brand new low-carb meal planner service – it’s free to use for a month.

Here’s another helpful guide: How to Lose Weight

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