“I feel great and am so much happier, healthier and active!”

When Jennifer went in for a blood test, the doctors didn’t even believe that she had been fasting because her sugars were so high! She was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Amazingly, her doctor told her to ignore the diabetes guidelines and instead eat an LCHF diet!
After eight months, she’s made great progress and her doctor calls her “the poster girl for LCHF”:
The E-mail
Dear Andreas,
My name is Jennifer and I have changed my life due to your website and advice! I first started to follow the LCHF diet in February this year (2016) and while I have by no means finished I feel as though I have now done so well and achieved so much that I would like to share my journey with you and others.
I discovered I had diabetes in my pregnancy, I was 20 weeks pregnant with twins and they measured a little big so I had the test and was just on the borderline. Cue entering the diabetes system in the NHS. If only I had known about Diet Doctor and LCHF then.
I was given all sorts of dietary advice, mostly involving eating low fat and lots of rice and pasta and sent off to measure blood sugars. No matter what I did following the advice my bloods where constantly spiking after meals even though I followed the advice to the letter.
Fast forward to post babies I was told that I needed to be tested after the twins were born as it’s 50/50 as to whether I would continue to be diabetic or if it would go away. Blood test was done in 2010 and not hearing anything back I assumed it had gone.
This year in January I weighed 251 lbs. (114 kg), every month a few more pounds would creep on. I was ill all the time, each cold would turn into a bad infection. I was beyond tired. I was thirsty all the time and felt very hot. The worst thing was struggling to find energy to look after my active twin boys.
So I went to the doctors who ordered a fasting blood test. The results were so high they didn’t believe I had been fasting! After three more tests I saw the doctor who diagnosed diabetes type 2. In the mean time I had been doing some research and discovered your website, I walked into the surgery prepared to meet opposition but I was very lucky. My GP had a daughter who was also diabetic and told me to ignore the NHS advice and follow LCHF. I did have to take metformin.Three months later I was back 42 lbs (19 kg) lighter and the blood tests showed my sugar levels were normal, so no longer diabetic! Stopped taking the metformin and kept at the diet.
So now it’s eight months since I started the diet and I have lost 90 lbs (41 kg). I am back in my ‘skinny’ clothes and telling everyone I can about your website. I have got lots of others involved. I will never go back! I feel great and am so much happier, healthier and active! My supportive GP is so proud of me and says I should be the poster girl for LCHF!!!!
Thank you so much for all you do to help it’s invaluable and life saving,
JenniferPS: My husband and I own a tapas restaurant and have adapted loads of the dishes to be low carb!
What a fantastic story, Jennifer! We’re so glad to hear that more and more doctors abandon the outdated and useless advice for a more effective approach that works for diabetic patients all over the world.
Also feel free to visit Jennifer’s tapas restaurant. It’s called Dos Amigos and is located in Leeds, UK.
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If you want to learn more about how to reverse your type 2 diabetes on low carb, or troubleshoot if you run into any problem, check out our full guide below. Alternatively choose the quick start guide with only the two most effective simple steps!
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