“How do I feel? healthier, happier, more energised, more supple”

Before and after

Freda was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and decided to do something about it immediately. After discovering low-carb and Diet Doctor, she emptied her food cupboards of carb-rich foods and went low-carb shopping in March 2015.

In the year that followed she did not just lose weight and gain energy, she managed to get off SIX medications! But it did not happen right away, she had to correct some common mistakes on the way:

The E-mail

Dear Andreas,

In March 2015 my blood glucose reading was too high. I was told I was heading towards type 2 diabetes. I panicked. Not knowing any better, I googled ‘no sugar, no carbs diet’. Your website came up. I read, and re-read, all the information on it. I watched the free video three times. I began to understand what I needed to do to improve my situation. The thought of type 2 diabetes terrified me, so that same day, I took action. I emptied my food cupboards. I went shopping for LCHF food.

Three months later, my healthy, glucose reading was a huge surprise to me and to the doctors and staff at my local surgery. Previously, I had had six repeat prescriptions. I had been taking Enalapril for high BP for 18 years. Also, prescriptions for high cholesterol, regurgitation, laxatives and bowel spasms, and asthma.

I haven’t required any of those medications since March 2015, since I began LCHF. At the end of six months, I had lost three stones in weight, was down two dress sizes and minus the six prescriptions… What an amazing thing to get rid of the high BP! And did I mention the six inches (15 cm) off my waist?

However, after a year, I still wanted to lose the remaining visceral fat on my stomach. I continued eating LCHF, which I find very easy to do. Prior to LCHF, I used to include, in my diet, two slices of bread every day and at least 3-5 pieces of fruit every day, because I thought I was eating healthily. Bread and fruit are the only things I had to stop eating within my diet. The extra good, fat included in LCHF solved any cravings I might have had. But I didn’t know how to lose the last of the blubber!

Then, two months ago, I realised I’d need to cut back on the fat intake. I don’t know why it took me so long to work that one out! Since then, I’m down another dress size and another half-inch (1 cm) from my waist. I know it will come off in time. I just have to persevere. This is the hard part because I was so used to including the fat.

My regime is two cups of coffee with cream before noon and one meal between 2-5 o’clock. I’ve been eating like this since August 2015. I find it really easy because I’m never hungry. My body is very satisfied. I’ve cut out the olive oil on my salad and butter over my vegetables. If I feel peckish, I nibble some cheese. So it’s a case of trying to get the balance right between cutting back on the fat, and adding a bit if I feel the need. It is working for me, though I think it will take time. I just don’t want to go down the route of counting or weighing calories. LCHF is a way of life for me since I began, in March 2015, and I don’t want to spoil the simplicity of that.

How do I feel? Healthier, happier, more energised, more supple when I’m working in my half-acre flower garden. I’ll be 70 next April. Life is much better than it was before LCHF. It’s been a massive learning curve.

There are a handful of people who have a very positive influence on ones’ life. You, Andreas, have been a godsend to me, and I thank you very much, indeed. In turn, I pass on everything I know about the benefits of the LCHF way of life.

Yours sincerely,



Congratulations Freda! And thanks for your kind words.

Are you ready?

Low Carb for Beginners

How to Lose Weight

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

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