“I am feeling better than I have in years”

Kerry stumbled upon Diet Doctor by accident only three months ago. She started following a low-carb diet and intermittent fasting, and this is what happened:
Dear Andreas,
About three months ago I found your site by accident. I followed a link on FB for a recipe. I am 62 and have been very healthy and thin all my life, but after menopause began gaining weight. I did not eat sugar or processed food. Kept my carbs low, but would gain about 35-40 lbs (16-18 kg). Then the dreaded diagnosis of pre-diabetes a few years ago. Over the last seven years I have done an extremely low-fat, low-carb diet three times, losing the weight. But I would not feel very good, having low energy. I did reverse my blood-sugar issues. Last blood work 87, lowest in 15 years.
I guess I am writing to say thank you and I am so happy to know that eating fat is ok and really good for me. I am feeling better than I have in years. I also was diagnosed with adrenal stress syndrome about 18 months ago. My cortisol level was sky high and spiking at night so dealing with very poor sleep. I am glad to say that is better as well.I have read Dr. Fung’s books and have started intermittent fasting as well. I tell my friends about Diet Doctor and repost your articles on my FB page. Most MD’s are very narrow minded. I am so impressed with with all the doctors associated with you.
I live in Seattle, WA. Do you think you will ever have a conference here? That would be wonderful!!
Here are photos… the first one taken in August 2016, the second one taken in February 2017. My starting weight was 204 lbs (93 kg) ending weight 165 lbs (75 kg). Sorry I’m sort of camera shy so only have head shots. I think you can tell the difference in my face.
Fantastic to hear from you Kerry – keep up the good work!
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