Should you count calories on a low-carb or keto diet?
- What are calories?
- How many calories do carbs, protein, and fat provide?
- Calories count, but they are not the whole story
- The bottom line
What are calories?
A calorie is a unit of energy your body uses to perform hundreds of tasks. These include voluntary movements like walking, running, and jumping, as well as involuntary ones like breathing, circulating blood throughout your system, and maintaining normal body temperature.
Your body needs to burn a certain number of calories just to keep those involuntary processes going. This is referred to as your basal metabolic rate, or BMR. Your BMR is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, body composition, and genetics.
You require additional calories for physical activity, including walking. Overall, the more active you are, the more calories you need.
How many calories do carbs, protein, and fat provide?
Each macronutrient provides a specific number of calories:
- Carbs: 4 calories per gram
- Protein: 4 calories per gram
- Fat: 9 calories per gram
Although there are foods that contain only a single macronutrient, the calories in most foods come from a combination of carbs, protein, and fat.
Calories count, but they are not the whole story
Generally speaking, if you take in more calories than your body needs, the extra calories will be stored as fat. Similarly, if you take in fewer calories than needed, your body will release its fat stores, and you will lose weight.
Because of this, some contend that calories are all that matter.
It sounds simple, but humans are more complicated than that.
There’s far more to weight regulation than just monitoring calories in vs. calories out.
The modern obesity epidemic seems to be an unprecedented phenomenon, and it coincides with an ever-increasing focus on counting calories.
So what’s really going on? As it turns out, hormonal regulation is a key factor and can affect our hunger and cravings.
Hormones play a large role in influencing appetite, fullness, and fat storage. Research suggests that low-carb and keto meals may trigger satiety hormones and suppress hunger hormones, leading to a natural reduction in calorie intake, especially in those who are overweight or have insulin resistance.
Consider the following example of why “a calorie is just a calorie” is too simplistic of a theory. In one study, overweight people consumed a breakfast of eggs or a bagel. Although each meal contained an identical number of calories, the group that consumed the egg breakfast stayed full longer and ate fewer calories at lunch than the group that ate the bagel breakfast.
The two sources of calories — equal in number — consumed at breakfast had differential effects on the number of calories consumed at lunch.
Gut and brain hormones that regulate appetite aren’t the only ones that affect how the body consumes and metabolizes calories. Insulin – and how sensitive your body is to this pancreatic hormone – influences whether you store or burn calories.
Basic physiology dictates that higher levels of insulin will promote the storage of energy (calories) in the form of fat, while lower levels allow the body to mobilize fat stores and use them for energy.
Clinical studies have yielded some helpful insights into how this simple physiologic concept operates in real life, which is decidedly more complex.
For example, one study looked at people who had lost weight and kept it off versus those who lost weight and regained it. It found that those who kept it off maintained better sensitivity to insulin (i.e. had lower levels), while people who regained weight had worse insulin sensitivity – not too surprising. But, subjects who lost weight and kept it off also had better insulin sensitivity than their BMI-matched controls with no weight loss history.
The good news here is that multiple intervention trials have shown that decreasing carbohydrate intake may help those at significant risk for weight regain to maintain the weight they have lost.
Video: Doctors answer
Counting calories: yes or no?
At Diet Doctor, we don’t recommend counting calories. First of all, when eating whole foods that don’t come in a labeled box, it’s very difficult to know exactly how many calories you’re eating, let alone know precisely what your body will do with those calories. We believe it’s far more important to choose foods that reduce hunger, help keep you satisfied, and make it easier to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Focus on minimally-processed foods that contain high-quality protein, natural fats, and nutrient-dense fibrous carbs, especially above-ground vegetables.
And if you’re really struggling to lose weight, stay away from high-calorie, high-reward foods that are easy to overindulge in, even if they are low in carbohydrates. Classic examples of such foods are cheese and nuts.
Rather than counting calories, make all of your calories count by eating nourishing, well-balanced, low-carb meals.