How much fat, protein, carbs to eat on a keto diet?



Dealing with unsupportive friends and family

The odds are certainly stacked in your favor if family and friends are supporting your low-carb or keto eating (and maybe even doing it with you). However, many members express that they are not blessed with such fortunate circumstances.

Instead of being surrounded with a supportive keto network, you might be one of those who face the uphill battle of having to defend your way of eating and dealing with saboteurs.

Even though this is unfair, there are some ways to mitigate the issue. Here are our top suggestions, some of which have been suggested by moderators and members in the Facebook group:

  1. Practice assertiveness. Standing up for yourself is necessary for achieving your goals. Be polite, but don’t allow other people to dictate your path.
  2. Prepare. Cook in large batches and freeze to have quick keto-friendly dishes at your hand. Cook meals that have a keto-proof “base”, such as steak or salmon with a fatty sauce, and make one carb-rich option (like pasta/rice/potatoes) for your friends and family, and one keto substitute for yourself (like zoodles/cauliflower rice/rutabaga wedges). If you’re invited to someone else’s home, then offer to bring your own keto-friendly food.
  3. Lead by example. Never push the way of eating onto others. Instead, simply be a source of inspiration with your improved health. Who knows — maybe they will be so impressed that they decide to jump on board?

How do you handle people who are unsupportive? Leave a comment below.