How much weight do people lose on low carb?

Over 7,000 people have signed up for our two-week low-carb challenge [update January 2017: now over 80,000 people. Update July 2019: now over 850,000 people], and now it’s time to check out the results.
Above you can see the weight loss results from the people who have finished and filled out our survey.
The most common result is losing between 3 and 6 pounds (around 2 kilos) during the two weeks. Pretty good results when you can eat as much as you want, no hunger required. Even though some of it, of course, is likely water weight. One person in ten lost more than 9 pounds (over 4 kilos) in the two weeks.
We’ll keep improving the challenge to make it ever more simple, delicious and effective.
The challenge starts every Sunday. Sign up for free here: Take the 2-week keto low-carb challenge
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