Hyperinsulinemia – what insulin does in your body

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By controlling the insulin in your body you can control both your weight and many other aspects of your health.

But exactly what does insulin do in your body? What factors raise and lower insulin? How can you effectively control your insulin?

Dr. Ted Naiman gives you tons of knowledge in this great presentation from the Low-Carb Cruise 2016. It was my favorite talk of the cruise, but I did not think it would be everyone’s cup of tea, as it’s really fast. My mistake! It has already become one of the most popular videos ever at Diet Doctor.

This talk is full of ideas that you can put to use right away. Watch a section from it above (transcript).

Watch the full video

The full 45-minute presentation is available (with captions and transcript) for members:


Here’s what our members have said about the presentation:

Excellent talk, very fast with tons of information. I’ll probably watch it a few times to absorb it all, but I’m a member so I can do that!
– Debra

Excellent lecture! I love it!
– Montserrat

Lots of valuable information! I agree with Debra! Ha!
– Alan M

Phenomenal presentation! The fast-flying graphs and studies gave a great depiction of the wealth of evidence to support lowering insulin for just about everything! Love it!
– Andrea

Really powerful presentation. I need to watch it again, and again, and again to fully absorb all the information!
– Jennifer

This was a great presentation, played some parts again and again, but definitely intend to listen to the whole presentation multiple times – whew, this man is a whirlwind of information!
I like him! ?
– Shawn

What a great talk! A comprehensive look at insulin in our bodies. One of the most helpful talks I have ever watched.
– Sean

Fantastic talk. Every GP (and specialist!) should see this. It is the cure to the obesity and diabetes epidemic.
– Anne

Awe inspiring!
Most chronic medical conditions are caused by hyperinsulinemia. Instead of prescribing medicine, doctors need to inform patients that they have a hormone signalling dysfunction which could be remedied easily through lifestyle and behaviour changes. This approach would empower people and improve lives.
– Anna

Another great video, thank you!
– Alan

THIS IS AN AMAZING TALK! Somehow Dr. Ted Naiman manages to explain why we get sick, and how to get well in one talk (that rings true due to great presentation, research, graphs and other visuals). Who knew that 75% of adults have insulin resistance? Who knew how many illnesses were related to having insulin resistance. This talk is worth being watched again and again. Simply put: This talk can change lives.
– Mechelle

Great synthesis of a lot of info. Loved it. Very “nutrient dense.” ?
– Laura

Dr. Ted,
Thank you so much. I have watched it twice, stopping to figure out exactly what the charts mean and side by side with the print out so I can stop and read it as well in order to digest the fast paced information flow.
– Pam

Best presentation of the year! Everything he said made so much sense. The best part is that he uses his knowledge to treat real people with real problems.
– Nancy

Great Video. I loved the 6 hours of content in 45 minutes. Sure, there is no way to fully get all the information and all the charts; however, I like most people enrolled on this website know a lot about certain areas and am weak on others so the fast pace of this video was PERFECT for me. It was a great overview of studies I am already familiar with but also showed up several areas for me that I need to improve. It was very motivational indeed. And as much as we have been beaten over the head with false information by the medical community my entire life, it is nice to have a good paced beating of true facts and information for a change. Anyway, I really truly enjoyed the heck out of it! Thanks to everyone involved.
– Greg

Damn. I’ve been doing research on ketogenic diets and their effect for over a year and I’ve never come across something so perfectly summarized and informationally dense. Thanks so much. I just wish you had a bigger audience.
– Nathanael

Dr. Naiman clearly had a ton of information to present in a short amount of time. I would suggest reading the transcript (link below the video), it’s easier to digest the information. Then you might want to watch it again and keep your hand near the pause button.
This presentation is solid gold, it is very worthwhile to study it.
– Steve

Like everyone else the speed was much too fast BUT he needed to get it all over. We have a transcript, we have a pause button, we can replay. I’m on about my third listening now and its all starting to fall into place. I should think he knew the majority of his audience knew at least half of it and the rest of the markers are there for personal research. A privilege to have this material to research further. Thank you.
– Deborah

THIS IS SO AWESOME. This guy rules.
– Aaron

This presentation has changed our lives, and those of friends and family. Just wow! We have watched it over and over again – the information is very dense and it took repeated viewings to really grasp the importance of the message.
– Supatra

It was fast but I just stopped and went back to hear some of the important points repeated so that I could absorb it better…this was a talk given on a cruise ship….not filmed specifically for a video watching audience. I thought the info was great but my heart sank when I saw the graph about the insulin response of obese people vs. normal weight! OMG, how am I going to beat this? I will, of course, continue the LCHF diet and increase my IF schedule but I am such a big couch potato – mostly because of chronic foot pain. I am going to have to challenge myself to get to the gym….Thanks Dr. Naiman – awesome talk!
– Elena

This presentation really gave me new insights. The downside to that is realising how wrong some therapies in the past have been (keep pumping that insulin at ever higher doses). I hope to have left enough years to benefit from this new knowledge. However, my health is improving everyday. I’m 59 now and lost 34 kg in the course of a few years (close to BMI 25 now). I hope to beat my grandma (diabetic, died at 93 in relatively good health) as well as Stradivarius, who made a violin at 93. So I put making a violin at 94 on my bucket list.
– Frits

I found this video to be very enlightening, full of very good information and I learned so much more that I didn’t know/understand about Insulin and the way it works in our bodies from Dr. Naiman’s lecture. I found the charts very help and yes, it did move along quite fast, but I suspect that since it was a cruise program, thus the small audience that one other poster eluded to, they had a lot more speakers to follow. What I did was to take a screen shot of each slide with the graft. I now have the graft and the transcript and can sit and read at my leisure, digesting all the information at my pace. Thank you Diet Doctor for these wonderful videos! This site just gets better and better and I can’t believe all the wonderful recipes that just keep coming and coming!
– Patricia

Excellent video and I loved the power point presentation that accompanied his lecture. Provided information that didn’t require a medical degree to understand. I will definitely watch this several times for inspiration.
– Darla

WOW! Very powerful information! Doctors should be required to learn this. In fact, it really needs to be taught to kids in elementary schools instead of the horrible food pyramid guidelines.
– Debbie

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