“I am 80 and I am angry”


Why would finding Diet Doctor cause 80-year-old Suzi to end up angry? Read her email to find out:

The Email

I am 80 and I am angry.

When I was growing up, almost everybody was slim. You only have to look at old photos and films to see that. If someone wanted to lose a pound or two, they cut out carbs for a while. When I was heavily pregnant, I gained too much weight, was advised to cut out carbs, lost the weight and went on to produce a healthy baby. Somewhere along the line I learned that fat metabolises fat. I remember a conversation with a colleague who told me he was substituting margarine for butter. I was adamant that butter was the best option as it was natural and people had been eating it for ages. When I used to come home late and hungry, I used to eat two boiled eggs with one slice of bread, lots of butter (and marmite). I distinctly remember changing that to one egg and two slices of bread, no butter. Although I thought I knew what to eat, I was frightened off by the nutrition advice. I was frightened because both my father and my brother died of coronary thrombosis. (They were both heavy smokers). My brother left three young children. Obviously I was frightened of suffering the same fate. For the next 50 years I had a constant struggle with weight.

At the beginning of November I discovered dietdoctor.com and low-carb. I can’t remember how, but I am so glad that I did. I read everything on the blog avidly, followed the advice, (which in my youth was what I believed anyway), and started losing weight regularly. Because since I have been living alone and try to avoid cooking, I signed up for the two week challenge, as it offered new easy recipes and even the shopping list. I continued to lose weight at the same rate, I never expected anything else, but found I quite enjoy cooking, so plan to keep it up. Another four kilos and I will weigh what I did in my twenties.

I don’t know how I found you but am so grateful that I did. Thank you, Diet Doctor team. You have restored my health and wellbeing and also my confidence in my own judgement. As an added bonus two rather distressing conditions seem to be completely cured.

Thank you



I think I understand how you feel, Suzi. A lot of people have suffered the same way you have. But congratulations on reclaiming your health and wellbeing!

Try It Yourself

Do you want to try a low-carb diet yourself? Here’s our guide and here’s our two-week low-carb challenge.

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