“I still have 30 pounds to lose, but I’ve already won”

With an abusive relationship standing in the way of loving herself, Kirsten had a hard time finding the motivation to fight for herself, her health and her weight.
However, one morning, she’d had enough. She asked her husband to leave her and she got rid of the carbs too. Here’s what happened:
The Email
Hi Andreas,
Here is my success story complete with pictures.
I started attempting a low carb life style about 3 years ago. I would be successful for a few weeks then have a carb binge and ruin any progress I had made. I was excellent at losing and gaining the same 10 pounds (4 kg) over and over again. I was stuck in an emotionally abusive marriage. It was hard to love myself enough to put in the effort when I was being told how fat, ugly, and worthless I was constantly.
I woke up one morning after a particularly horrible evening with my husband and decided it was enough. I asked him to leave and began putting work into loving myself instead of trying to get him to love me. I started exercising, just walking everywhere, and got rid of the carbs for good. The weight began to fall off and that number was what started motivating me. Every time it went down was like a surge of energy. It kept me going. I was addicted to this new lifestyle and how it made me feel.
I am also a type 1 diabetic. Before, my blood sugar numbers were out of control, I was taking a ridiculous amount of insulin every day, and always felt sick. My cholesterol was high and they were discussing adding medications for that as well. I saw my blood sugar begin to stabilize and even when I exercised, which slowly became running and weight lifting, my blood sugar wouldn’t crash like before.
All of a sudden I had lost 130 pounds (59 kg)! I was no longer looked at like a freak when people walked by me on the street or worse, completely ignored. I found myself and not just because I looked and felt better but it helped me feel confident enough to speak up and let my personality shine through. Last week my divorce was finalized and I hit 140 pounds (64 kg) gone. This is the greatest thing I’ve ever done for myself. I still have 30 pounds (13 kg) to lose, but I’ve already won. I am a new, better person!
I’m 6′ (183 cm) and my goal is to get under 200 lbs (90 kg) this year. So close!
Congratulations on finally finding yourself and your fantastic weight-loss journey, Kirsten!
Try It Yourself
Do you want to try a low-carb diet yourself? Here’s our guide and here’s our two-week low-carb challenge.
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