Yogurt: A sugar trap!…or a healthy choice?

We are often told that yogurt is healthy, filled with probiotics, vitamins and minerals. But what kind of yogurt are we talking about? In a new study, we get full disclosure of what the various types of yogurt in the grocery store actually contain.
BBC: Yoghurts (even organic ones) ‘full of sugar’
The Times: ‘Healthy’ organic yoghurts are packed full of sugar
ABC News: Yogurt: A good source of vitamins, minerals…and sugar
After studying nearly 900 kinds of yogurt in the UK, the researchers found that an alarming number of brands were really high in sugar. Yogurt desserts contained the most sugar — an average of 16.4 g per 100 g. One might be fooled by a yogurt labelled organic, but the research actually found that organic yogurts were among the most sugary – containing more sugar per 100 g than cola.
The only yogurt that had an acceptable amount of sugar, with under 5 g per 100 g, is plain Greek yogurt, which also contains more protein.
Yogurt is healthy for most people, but instead of choosing a sugary one, look for plain Greek yogurt or check the label closely to make sure sugar is under 5 g per 100 g. That way, rather than buying yogurt with added sugars, you can enjoy a natural full-fat yogurt and add delicious toppings yourself! Why not add some fresh strawberries and how about some homemade granola to add that extra crunchiness? Check out the recipe below and enjoy your full-fat yogurt!
Golden low-carb granola
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