“It has been so worthwhile and enlightening”

Photo: GettyImages

Sid joined Diet Doctor just a month ago, got started with low carb, and apparently he has had some success reversing his type 2 diabetes:

Dear Andreas,

I joined Diet Doctor about a month ago and it has been so worthwhile and enlightening. The presentations, information, guest speakers and member comments are more encouraging that any visit to my own doctor who wants me to stay on Metformin despite the wonderful results I am having on low-carb.

Doctors should not be referring people to the American Diabetes Association and their dietitians, they should be fervently sending them to Diet Doctor. I have for the most part changed my blood sugar to close to normal with the exception of mornings which Dr. Fung describes as Dawn Phenomenon. I intend to try his intermittent fasting program which should help that. My goal is to be off 1000 mg of Metformin by early January.

I can’t tell you enough how important your site and your presentation are to people with type 2 diabetes who are desperate to avoid drugs and the awful side effects.

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your efforts. You are doing humanity a great service no matter how much push back the food industry and lobbyists do. The power of education and knowledge will prevail.

I hope 2017 is your best year yet. I have many friends in Sweden and I think your country is very progressive and very special.

Best always,


Congratulations Sid – we’re very glad to help!

Get started

Do you want to try what Sid has done? Sign up for our free 2-week keto low-carb challenge!

Alternatively, use our free low-carb guide, or for maximum simplicity try out our brand new low-carb meal planner service – it’s free to use for a month.


A Low-Carb Diet for Beginners

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes – The Quick Start Guide

How to Lose Weight

Intermittent Fasting for Beginners

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Do you have a success story you want to share? Send your information, plus before and after photos, to success@dietdoctor.com. It would also be greatly appreciated if you shared what you eat in a typical day, whether you fast etc. More information:

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