Keto-adaptation and performance – how to burn fat for fuel
I was there with my coworkers, filming everything, presentations, Q&As and interviews with people who had amazing stories to share. And it will all be available to watch here at Diet Doctor. As we finish editing the videos we’ll release them, one by one.
The first video is one of the best talks of the conference, Professor Jeff Volek on keto-adaptation and performance. It’s a great overview of the benefits of making your body burn fat for fuel. Effortless loss of excess weight is just one of many benefits. Volek also discusses how to do it, while avoiding common mistakes.
Watch it
Watch a section from it above (transcript). The full 58-minute presentation is available (with captions and transcript) for members:
Low Carb USA
Low Carb USA is the top low-carb conference in the US. Next year’s conference will take place August 3 – August 6, 2017 in San Diego. Sign up now for an early bird discount (50% off).
A Quick Guide to Ketogenic Diets