The keto diet: “Everybody asks me: What have you done?”

Kate had tried every diet out there since she was 25 years old, but in spite of her best efforts she regained everything she lost. However in January 2017, almost 60 years young, she ended up at Diet Doctor.
Since then she has shed 26 kg (57 lbs) with a keto diet and intermittent fasting. This is her story:
Hi Andreas,
I want to share my success story. I am a Belgian woman living in France, 59 years “young”.
As long as I can remember, I think I was 25 years, I was trying several several diets. I had a little bit of overweight but not too much. After my third pregnancy at 34, I weighed 90 kg (198 lbs) I think. I am 165 cm tall (5’4″).
After that, I started to do one diet after another without results. I lost 15 kg (33 lbs) with my first real diet but after a year or two, I regained again. And so I had ups and downs… more downs… And I was always between 75 kg and 84 kg (165-185 lbs) or more.
In 2013 I started eating a very healthy diet, almost no carbs anymore. No bread, pasta, rice etc. I lost 8 kg (17 lbs) from 90 kg (198 lbs) to 82 kg (180 lbs) etc.
Then I got in my menopause and nothing worked anymore. Again I was 90 kg (198 lbs). Until suddenly I discovered your site in January 2017.
I started on the first of January and exactly five months later I had lost 25 kg (55 lbs)! Now I am at 26 kg lost (57 lbs) and almost at my perfect weight, 64 kg (141 lbs). At the end of this month I’ll turn 60 and never felt like this.
I have 200% more energy and look ten years younger (according to what everybody says). I feel great. I have no hunger.
I still do keto and stay below 20 carbs a day. I even started an Instagram account to help and inspire other people. Because everybody asks me… ohhhh what have you done…?
Here in France, they don’t know about the keto diet. That’s why I wanted to started a website or something to tell them about you. French people don’t understand English.
So that’s a little bit of my success story. You changed my life, my world, I am so thankful?My friends say that even my character has changed in the positive way. I was also depressed because I lost my mum and dad in three years. My mum at the end of 2013 and my dad last year… I couldn’t get over it… now I could place it.
My husband and my children are very proud of me, and I am feeling very happy.
Oh, I forgot to tell you that I also do regular intermittent fasting. Mostly in the morning… I skip my breakfast because I’m not hungry…
Kind regards,
Congratulations, Kate, to your great achievement :-)
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