The keto diet: “I feel fabulous”

After taking the 2-week keto challenge, Sally is 5 kilos (11 lbs) lighter and convinced she will stay on the delicious plan indefinitely. Here she shares what it was like to let go of the fear of fat:
I loved the challenge – and three weeks later (I was so eager to start I didn’t wait until the Sunday I just read all the instructions and dove in) I feel fabulous. The first few days were the hardest. I had a splitting headache and sugar cravings and sleepless nights and heart palpitations then, suddenly, it all started to drop into place.
I am very much a child of the ‘low-fat’ generation and to find myself eating full fat cheeses and creams – and OMG butter! again (things I had denied myself for years) was slightly overwhelming and a little scary. I really had to grit my teeth to fry my hamburger in butter that first time but so glad I did – delicious!Within a week I was finding that I was also naturally doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting. I have never really ever been hungry at breakfast but always forced myself to eat something because, you know, ‘best meal of the day!’ and all that.
To be told I didn’t have to eat it if I didn’t want to was such a relief. So, I have been eating two meals a day (still with the occasional glass of wine) without screaming hunger pains, hardly any sugar cravings and I have lost 5 kilos (11 lbs), almost without trying. The proof is in the pudding – or the lack of it.
I will say though that I also watched all the movies and the doctors’ presentations on the website and they were a real eyeopener to me. I am not in the medical profession and although some of the language went a bit over my head I learned so much about how the body works – and why it works the way it does – that it makes me shudder a bit to think about what I have been doing to it all these years!! (I am 58.) Those presentations were the real clincher for me.
So – this is me now. This already feels ‘right’ for me. Most of the people around me seem to think I have dropped off my perch of course but they will just have to get over it. Or better still – join me. I will certainly be spreading the word.
Congratulations Sally to your success and best of luck on your continued journey! :-)
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