“I think the pictures speak for themselves”


Robyn was told by her doctor that if things didn’t change, she would be a type 2 diabetic within a year. Fortunately, he also referred her to Diet Doctor which she started scouring. Could a keto diet help her lose weight and improve health?

She decided to try it. This is what happened:

I just wanted to share my journey in hope I inspire and encourage others to be healthier and happier. I’m a 41-year old mum, I have PCOS and had gestational diabetes with my last two pregnancies in 2009 and 2012… Perfect candidate for type 2 diabetes

I tried everything… Literally… Soup diet, weight watchers, healthy mummy, low fat blah blah…

Back in mid Feb I failed my fasting glucose test miserably and was told I would be a type 2 diabetic within 12 months ? With my kids aged almost 21, 19, 8 & 5 (two young ones are special needs) I knew I needed to listen to my body and health professionals.

I was recommended to change my way of life and eat low carb healthy/high fat by my GP and health assessment nurse.

They actually gave me the Diet Doctor website to help start me off, so glad they did because it has helped me immensely, the website is like my bible to others. I had a mega meltdown, had no idea how I would survive without take away, pasta, bread, oh and don’t forget the two litres of Pepsi max a day, but I did it!

I also started my own Facebook group to make myself accountable and hopefully encourage others. In Feb 2017 weighing in at 77 kg (170 lbs), size 16-18, high-blood pressure even on meds, feeling like a sweaty ugly blob I started my journey…

I wont lie, it hasn’t always been easy, there are a lot of temptations out there, however I stuck with it. Today I weigh 58 kg (128 lbs) and a size 8-10… I think the pictures speak for themselves ? No I’m not a gym junkie or exercise freak. I just aim for 10,000 steps a day and walk when I can. My words to you are, if you want the change you will make it happen…

Unfortunately sometimes we can be our own worst enemy and excuses are just that…

Good luck with your journey, have faith in yourself, you won’t regret it. I know I don’t.



Congratulations, Robyn to your improved health!

Get started

Do you want to try what Robyn has done? Sign up for our free 2-week keto low-carb challenge!

Alternatively, use our free keto low-carb guide, or for maximum simplicity try out our new low-carb meal planner service – it’s free to use for a month.



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