The keto diet: “It’s unbelievable that it could be this easy”

Can a keto diet help you quit all diabetes medications for type 2 diabetes in just three weeks? Allow you to keep your weight off effortlessly? And make you feel better than ever at 61?
Here is Calvin’s fantastic story:
I have been overweight for years – but I made major changes to my diet and started to lose a lot of weight. I was able to lose a 140 pounds (64 kg) – and I thought I was doing great – but one of the changes I made – was eating a lot of fruit – and while I drank a lot less soda – it was still a pretty consistent part of my diet.
Still because of the weight loss – I thought I was doing great – but I was tired all the time – my feet hurt – my mouth was dry all the time – and my knees hurt. What’s the point of losing weight – but still feeling awful physically?
Recently, I went to my doctor – and since I had not had a blood test in quite a while – they decided I was overdue for a check.
The results were startling! My blood glucose level was 479 mg/dl (26.6 mmol/L)!
I was told to come back to the doctor’s office – and received a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and that I was at risk for a heart attack, diabetic coma, and even amputations – if I didn’t get on medicine right away. So, I started taking 3 shots of fast acting insulin, one long acting shot of insulin each night, two tabs of Metformin daily, along with one Glimepiride tablet at night. I was taking my blood reading 3 or four times a day.
At my first endocrinologist appointment – I learned that all the other negative health issues – were all caused by my sugar and starch intake. I was blown away – that eating fruit and starch were literally killing me – and dooming me to a life of insulin shots just to control it. I immediately stopped eating fruit.
The insulin worked – and my blood sugar came down the first week – but my weight started to come back because of the insulin.
I didn’t want taking shots and pills to be my answer.
But I didn’t know what to do to fix it – and I literally prayed to God for another answer – and the Saturday after my crisis diagnosis – I came across
I was so impressed by what I saw – that I decided to take the 2-week challenge – and the results have been miraculous.
I was off the fast acting insulin in days – then off long acting by the end of the week.The following week – I was cut the Glimepiride completely, and by was taking only half a Metformin tablet twice a day. Before three weeks were over – I was off everything!!!
While this was all great news – it wasn’t all. My dry mouth, the pain in my knees went away completely. My feet still tingle sometimes – but nothing like before, and my energy is off the charts. I wake up instantly now – and I don’t need caffeine of sugar to get me going. No more sugar, no more starch, and no my artificial sweeteners (or low-calorie energy drinks needed to keep my going). My mental clarity has been astonishing – I get in to work earlier – and have more time in my day – and don’t have to take work home. So, I’m planning to start to workout – not to lose weight – but to simply increase my strength and flexibility. AWESOME!!!!
At the age of 61 – I feel better than I did in my 30’s. The weight is slowly coming back down (had to listen to the ‘5 common mistakes on LCHF diet‘ to get on track – more fat is just a hard idea to filter after so many years of hearing it was bad for me). But my while my weight hasn’t changed a lot – I have dropped a shirt size and feel overall trimmer.
All this – by ignoring the conventional wisdom I had been taught – and finding out I could still eat delicious meals.
I eat eggs every morning, and for lunch I either have leftovers from my recipes or hard boiled eggs. For dinner I’ve stuck strictly to what was on the meal plan – even if I thought I wouldn’t like it (but as sugar and starch left my body my taste buds seems to change – and I’ve loved all the recipes so far).
I also drink a cup of broth (once or twice a day). Now sometimes I skip lunch or breakfast – and just drink a cup of broth (and if that satisfies me – I just wait until I’m hungry). Fasting (I’ve learned) doesn’t mean hungry – and so I’m not a slave to the clock when it comes to eating anymore.
My wife (who is trim) – likes the food so much – she’s eating recipes with me.
It takes some discipline – but I now have a plan that works for me – and I plan for this to be a lifetime change.
So from a glucose level of 479 mg/dl (26.6 mmol/L) – and 3 week later – my waking glucose is 99 mg/dl (5.5 mmol/L) on average – with no pills – and no insulin shots.
My doctor sent me a message about my drastic change – that has amazed everyone – and said “You are a rock star!!!”
Now I don’t just look better – it’s what you can’t see – how much better I feel – it’s unbelievable that it could be this easy. I’m still losing weight – but now I’m rarely hungry – don’t snack – feel like a million dollars – and I EAT BUTTER AND FAT.When people ask me how I’m doing – I no longer say “okay” – now I say – “FANTASTIC!!!”
For me,, was literally a God send. I wouldn’t have believed you could be healthy on so few carbs and high fat – but there is no faking the blood tests – I’m healed and getting better day by day. My next goal is to trim up more – and get off blood pressure medicine as well.
Thank you – you helped saved my life.
We’re so happy to hear that you’ve had such great success on the diet Calvin!
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Do you want to try what Calvin has done? Sign up for our free 2-week keto low-carb challenge!
Type 2 diabetes
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It would also be greatly appreciated if you shared what you eat in a typical day, whether you fast etc.