What to do about a lack of energy on low carb?



Lack of energy

Hello Dr. Andreas,

I have been following the keto diet since January and I am very pleased with the diet overall. I have lost 20 lbs (9 kg) and it’s been fairly easy to follow the plan. I have had some problem with leg cramps, but the biggest issue I have had is a lack of stamina when I am active. I love to go on hikes and bike rides and since on this diet I don’t feel I have the same endurance I had in the past. Any thing I can do, or eat that may help before I take a hike?


Yes, get some extra salt and fluid. Like a cup or two of bouillon, or a few grams of salt diluted in water. This may help to increase energy generally on low carb, if so the effect should be noticed within 15-30 minutes.

If that does not help enough, you may benefit from a moderate amount of carbs before those physical activities, like a small amount of rice or a few potatoes with a meal.

Learn more about how to increase physical performance on low carb

Andreas Eenfeldt


Low Carb for Beginners

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