LCHF and common digestive issues (“IBS”)

Recently I received another e-mail from someone who used to have crippling nonspecific digestive issues, irritable bowel syndrome (“IBS”). Here’s what happened when she gave low-carb a try:
Her E-mail
I’m a 34-year-old woman, who has tried just about everything in the way of food, not because I’m overweight, but because I suffer from IBS.
All the doctors that I have seen, who said that I should stay away from fatty food and focus more on fiber, should immediately leave their profession. I’ve followed their recommendations and this has brought abdominal pains from hell, frequent diarrhea attacks and last, but not least, constipation that can make bathroom visits a vein-popping experience. My sick leave from work piled up big time when I followed these recommendations.
One day, by coincidence I happened to find your book as I was googling the internet. I decided to buy it and that’s the best thing I’ve ever done. The only thing that really has worked for me is LCHF. My digestion works so much better. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and for helping people like me.
Jane Andersson
Congratulations on your success, Jane!
More on Similar Digestive Problems
The result is so common that it shouldn’t come as a surprise for anyone. Fibre and wheat flour is poison to many IBS-sufferers and it’s not uncommon to see a dramatic improvement within one or two days when you change your diet:
Before and After a Year with LCHF
Of course I asked if I could publish her e-mail and name.
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