Losing 160 lbs in a year with LCHF!

Before and after

I received an e-mail from Deah, friends with Sophie in Hawaii (an earlier success story). She’s got an impressive story to share:

The Email

Hi! I’m Neta (or Deah), I’m the other broke low-carber =D, from the blog http://twobrokelowcarbers.blogspot.com

My success story is 160 pounds (73 kg) in 14 months on clean low carb. I went from 262 pounds (118 kg) to 115 pounds (52 kg), gained some weight back cause I was being hassled a lot for being ‘too skinny’ at 102 lbs (46 kg).

I decided to try raw veganism but that only resulted in a 40-pound gain, so I’m back on track and Sophie and I are logging our weight loss.

I took a lot of information from your site, it was a BIG help!

Thank you so much!!

Congratulations, Deah!

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