“I lost all my cravings for the food that made me so overweight and sick”


Here’s simply an amazing success story! After failing many times, Karen finally beat her sugar addiction and lost weight with a low-carb diet:

The Email

First of all I wanted to thank you for your website, I found it while desperately searching for a way to lose the weight I had carried around most of my life.

My name is Karen and I am 50 years old. I am, and always will be, a binge-eating sugar addict. I could not control my eating and binged on sugar and processed junk food until I was ill for most of my life. I was overweight, depressed, lonely and felt terrible all the time. I tried several weight-loss diets over the years only to gain it back… And then some.

On my 49th birthday I decided that by 50 I wanted to be healthy again and enjoy life. I started searching for diets that I could do to make that happen and came upon the Diet Doctor and realized it was all in what I was eating. I researched what sugar and high carbohydrates do to your body and it hit me why I was so overweight. I decided to change my way of eating and eat real healthy food for a change.

It was amazing to see the weight fall off me while still enjoying steak using real butter to cook it with. I learned to substitute potatoes for cauliflower rice and mashed potatoes. I realized I could still eat and not feel deprived like all the other diets I had been on before.

I always will have a sweet tooth so I do allow myself sweets on occasion but not made with sugar. I learned to use low glycemic flours such as almond and coconut, and I lost all my cravings for the food that made me so overweight and sick.

On my 50th birthday I was down 102 pounds (46 kg) and never felt better. I will always eat this way and do not miss my old way of eating one bit.

Thank you!



Congratulations Karen – this is a truly inspirational story!

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