“Low carb and keto is my life now.”

Sharon first contacted us in 2015, a year after starting the LCHF diet. She told us she had never felt better; her psoriasis was gone, she lost 35 pounds (16 kilos) and her bipolar disorder disappeared. This way of eating opened up a world of possibilities — it became a lifestyle. Today, she manages two UK-based Facebook groups and helped create a low carb recipe site. Read on for her update:
“I discovered Diet Doctor back in 2013 and I was one of their first success stories. I’ve managed to sustainably maintain the initial weight loss for over nine years. Low carb and keto are my life now. I run two Facebook groups: Keto clean eating UK community and Keto and low carb for life UK community. Both groups offer a meal planning book with easy-to-follow recipes.
I understood early on that everyone’s journey is different — some people can completely abstain and need the discipline of strict keto, while others can moderate and use substitutes to reach their goals. This led me to help build the website lowcarbfood.co, a one-stop shop for trustworthy products, ingredients, recipes, and information for anyone interested in the low carb lifestyle.
My advice is to cook real food from scratch, but as we know, that’s not always possible for everyone. So during those busy days, my hope is to support those who need it and help them stay on track.
My goal is to keep myself informed with the latest in the low carb movement as much as possible. I was featured on the Fabulously Keto podcast, I follow the work of Tim Noakes, and of course, any new updates or research from Diet Doctor.
I hope I can inspire even more people to exponentially improve their mental and physical health just as much as I did.
My top tips are:
- No sugar or sugar substitutes.
- No seed oils.
- Processed food only in emergencies, but preferably never.
- Salt and water are not optional.
- A good magnesium supplement is invaluable.
- If you slip, make sure it’s just that one meal/snack, not a whole day or week. Prioritize getting back on track immediately.
- Be prepared.
You can read Sharon’s original story here.
Congrats on over nine years of success, Sharon! Keep up the great work with your own low carb and keto projects.
— Franziska Spritzler RD, CDE
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