Low-carb doctors: will you do remote consultations?

We have given our popular Find a Low-Carb Doctor page a full redesign. We made it more responsive, easier to search, and more user-friendly for patients and doctors alike.
It’s an important global resource for patients to find keto-friendly doctors and for the medical community to show the increasing support for the low-carb diet as an evidence-based therapy.
Now we want to update our information for each doctor listed, and add whether patients can contact them for remote consultations.
That means accepting anything from phone calls, emails, Skype, FaceTime, or other internet-based medical visits.
Many patients cannot find a doctor in their local communities, so finding a doctor for remote consultations is a tremendous help to them.
Today, this is more important than ever, in order to help stop the spread of the coronavirus by staying home. Remote consultations reduce unnecessary in-person office appointments.
We also want to update our list to include what languages each doctor speaks. So if you are a doctor who speaks two or more languages, let us know.
This information will be entered into our new user interface.
If you’re a provider who is already listed on our page, we want to update your information.
Not yet in our global list, but would like to be? We want to hear from you!
Currently we limit our listings to only those health providers who have the legislative authority to prescribe and de-prescribe medications. However, we are planning a resource in the future that will list all those who have credentials that can support and coach patients in adopting and maintaining a low-carb life style.
Please contact, support@dietdoctor.com to update your information or to become part of this growing list.

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Are you looking for a licensed physician to help you with your low-carb or keto lifestyle? Search our interactive database to find a doctor or health professional near you.