Heba Azer, MBChB


I am a GP who personally follows a low carbohydrate lifestyle and I can tell the difference it has made to me over the years which prompted me to research more onto it. I followed the updates and evidence that support low carbohydrate diets for many health conditions, I started to see how certain category of patients could benefit from it, particularly type 2 diabetics and patients who struggle with weight, fatty liver disease etc.. I saw patients who could put their diabetes into remission on just diet or with a significant reduction in the number of their medications. Patients feel happier, energetic and moreover able to take control over their own health. With emerging evidence that supports the use of low carbohydrate as an alternative approach for obesity and type 2 diabetes, more education and training is needed to help clinicians build confidence in that dietary approach.


  • Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery


  • Family Medicine


  • Nutrition Network Professional Training in LCHF/Ketogenic Nutrition & Treatment
  • Diet Doctor/PIM Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction CME

Contact information

KRS health family medical practice
547 Kooringal Road, Wagga Wagga NSW, Australia