Keto diet foods — top three mistakes at the grocery store

It all starts at the grocery store. If you want to succeed on a keto diet, you need to know how to shop for keto groceries.

Here are three of the most common mistakes people make when buying groceries for a keto diet – and how to avoid them.


1. Highly processed food

Mother and son organizing groceries

Even on a keto diet, it’s possible to buy groceries that are potentially unhealthy. But not if you keep it “real.” Here’s how:

Buy whole food

Whole food has only one ingredient. Examples are meat, seafood, eggs, butter, oils, vegetables, fruit, and nuts.

These foods should form the foundation of your keto diet.
And there are so many delicious choices!

Want a list? Print our keto food list and bring it with you when you go grocery shopping.

Limit packaged food

Most of the packaged food products you find in grocery stores are ultra-processed.

They also often contain added sugar and starch. For this reason, they should be minimized on a keto diet.

Fortunately, it’s easy to avoid highly processed food. Here’s how:

  • Ignore the obvious
    Sometimes the package speaks for itself. If it says anything like “cereal,” “cake,” “cookie,” “bread,” or “chips” — read no further. Walk away. Since these foods are typically high in carbohydrates, they’re not a good choice on a keto diet.
  • Ignore low carb products
    If your store carries low carb versions of pastas, breads and cookies, we generally recommend that you avoid them. Most contain starch and other additives. Some contain sweeteners that may impede your progress.
  • Ignore “healthy” or “natural” labels
    Many highly processed food products are labeled “healthy” or “natural.” Ignore these meaningless terms.
    Stick with single-ingredient, tasty keto foods as much as possible.

Buy minimally-processed packaged foods

Not all packaged foods are highly processed, but how do you know which to trust? The rule of thumb is to look for products with few ingredients.

Eggs, meat, and fish are great choices even though they’re often packaged.

Some minimally-processed foods are packaged yet keto-friendly. These include butter, cheese, coconut oil, olive oil, cream, nut butters, shredded veggies (like coleslaw), and sour cream.

Some slightly more processed foods may be okay too. Choose no-sugar-added beef jerky, hollandaise, pesto, pizza sauce, salad dressings, sausage, tahini, and tapenade. Be sure to check the ingredients list and carb content, as carbs and additives vary among different brands.


2. Too many carbs

Close-up of the nutrition facts section

Now that you know how to avoid highly processed food, let’s fix the second keto grocery mistake: too many carbs.

For keto success, we recommend eating less than 20 grams of net carbs per day.

Here’s how to keep carbs from sneaking into your house:

Avoid carb creep

Carbs add up.

The broccoli and carrots you ate for dinner, those strawberries with whipped cream you had for dessert, and the nuts and dark chocolate you enjoyed earlier in the day — they all add up.

Even when eating healthy keto foods, “a little bit of this” and “a little bit of that” might take you out of ketosis. If you’re not getting results on your keto diet, consider these  grocery-shopping tips:

  • Buy fewer high carb vegetables
    Avoid stocking up on on high carb vegetables. Check out our keto vegetables guide for the best options.Our favorite vegetables are very low in carbs. Leafy greens, asparagus, avocado, and zucchini come to mind.

    You can enjoy other tasty veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, and brussels sprouts too, of course. But you may need to be a bit more careful with these since they contain a few more carbs.

  • Buy less fruit
    On a keto diet, your best bet is to avoid buying any fruit. If you want to eat some occasionally, check out our keto fruits and berries guide for the best options.Strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are okay if you keep the serving size small (about 1/2 cup or less). Lemon and lime, in small amounts, work too.

    Technically, avocados and tomatoes are low-sugar fruits, but for convenience, we group them with vegetables.

  • Buy fewer nuts and less dark chocolate
    Nuts and dark chocolate (85% cocoa minimum) are keto-friendly in small portions. But because they’re both convenient and delicious, it can be easy to overeat these treats and end up going over your daily carb limit.Check out our keto nuts guide for the best options. For example, choose macadamia nuts or pecans instead of cashews. Take a look at our keto snacks guide to see the amount of carbs in different types of chocolate.

    Another common slip-up is getting too much almond flour in baked items that are keto friendly only when served in smaller quantities. So keep your eye on portion size and be mindful of how much almond flour you buy — and consume.

  • Buy less cream cheese and Greek yogurt
    These full fat dairy products can be okay in moderation, but both contain carbohydrates. Cream cheese has 1.5 to 2 grams of carbs per ounce (28 grams), and Greek yogurt has about 5 grams of carbs per 3/4 cup (170 grams). So go easy!

Calculate net carbs

Packaged foods often contain hidden sugars and starches.

Avoid this trap by calculating the number of net carbs the food contains.

dark chocolate comparison

As an example, consider the label on the chocolate bar to the left – the Green & Black’s 85% Cacao Bar.

dark chocolate nutrition 1

  1. Check the serving size
    First, look at the serving size (circled in red, above). How much chocolate is in one serving? A square? A cup? Half the package? As you can see, the serving size for this chocolate is 40 grams, or 12 small squares.
  2. Check carbs per serving
    Second, check the total grams of carbohydrate per serving (circled in blue, above). This chocolate has 14 grams of total carbs per serving.
  3. Calculate net carbs per serving
    Third, check the grams of dietary fiber per serving (circled in green, above). Calculate net carbs by subtracting the fiber (green) from the total carbohydrates (blue). This chocolate has 9 grams of net carbs per serving (14 g carbs – 5 g fiber = 9 g net carbs).
  4. Calculate how many net carbs you will eat
    Finally, multiply the number of servings you’ll eat by the net carbs per serving.


Let’s say you want to eat six small squares of chocolate (about half a serving, or 20 grams). That’s 4.5 grams of net carbs (0.5 serving * 9 g net carbs).

But if you were to eat the whole chocolate bar (2.5 servings), you would get 22.5 grams of net carbs (2.5 servings * 9 net carbs) — more than an entire day’s worth of carbs on a keto diet.

This chocolate bar, when consumed in small amounts, is a keto-approved treat. But buyer beware — it’s easy to overeat.

Let’s look at the nutrition facts label for another dark chocolate option, Salazon’s Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt and Almonds:

dark chocolate nutrition 2

As you can see, this bar has 13 g of net carbs per serving.

If you eat half a serving (in this case, ¼ of the bar, or 20 grams), you’d consume 6.5 g of net carbs.

This treat likely contains too many net carbs for many keto lifestyles. After looking at the nutrition facts label and quickly calculating the net carbs, you’ll know to put this bar back on the shelf.

For more information about the nutrition facts label, please check out our guide on how to use the nutrition facts label.

3. Potentially unhealthy ingredients

Sugar ingredients

4. Summary

Couple shopping in supermarket.

Avoid these classic mistakes — highly processed food, too many carbs and potentially unhealthy ingredients — and put keto success within reach. With a little practice, it’s easy to load up your cart with a delicious selection of whole food — and some minimally processed keto extras, too.

Now go forth and grocery shop, keto-style!

/ Jennifer Calihan



There are two companion guides with more information about ingredients to avoid, and how to decipher food labels:

Ingredients to avoid on a low carb or keto diet
How to use the nutrition facts label


In addition, check out our main keto foods guide below to understand the basics about keto foods, and our keto diet foods list, for fast and real-food inspired grocery shopping!

Ketogenic diet foods – what to eat and what to avoid
Keto diet food list – what to buy

For all the keto basics, check out our simple but thorough beginner’s guide to the keto diet:

Ketogenic Diets for Beginners

Practical low carb guides