Low carb recipes

Discover our impressive collection of healthy food and drink ideas for every occasion, used by more than 3 million home cooks every month(!).

Whether youโ€™re looking for high protein, strict keto, moderate, or liberal low carb recipes, or if youโ€™re just looking for a healthier dessert option โ€“ weโ€™ve got you covered!

We offer 1,333 nutritionally approved and tested low carb recipes that are easy to follow, created by some of the most loved low carb cookbook authors, chefs, and dietitians from around the world.

The Diet Doctor recipe teamโ€™s mission is to provide you with the most delicious recipes and meal plans that will empower you to improve your health.

Happy browsing!

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Low carb breakfast favorites

Kick off your morning in the best possible way with our tasty breakfasts that will keep you satisfied for hours.

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Low carb dinner favorites

Who said that eating healthy is boring? Keep it fun and simple with these weeknight low carb meals that the whole family will love.

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Popular recipe collections

Looking for quick keto chicken meals, or need inspiration for healthy, mouthwatering dishes for the Holidays? Whatever your heart desires, weโ€™re sure youโ€™ll find it here.

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Low carb dessert favorites

Dessert can be part of a healthy lifestyle and we will show you how! These goodies will make even the carbivours ask for more.

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The people behind the recipes

Diet Doctorโ€™s small but passionate recipe team consists of hardcore foodies, content managers, cookbook authors, and nutritional advisors. We work relentlessly to make every single recipe and meal plan that hits the site (and app) as flawless as possible.

We work together with a talented team of recipe testers, freelancing food photographers, and our very own registered dietitian, diabetes educator, and author Franziska Spritzler to make sure you get the best results.

Recipe collaborators

We partner with top low carb and keto personalities, YouTubers, and bestselling cookbook authors from around the world. Click to read more about each person and to check out their recipes.

Are you interested in contributing your favorite low carb recipes, or would you love to collaborate with us in the future? Donโ€™t hesitate to reach out recipes@dietdoctor.com!

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