All keto success stories

People have sent us hundreds of keto success stories. Here are all of the published stories.

  1. Losing 120 pounds with keto and the right mindset
  2. How to lose 112 pounds with LCHF instead of gastric bypass surgery!
  3. Meet Jason, seven months in on keto and IF
  4. "My fatty liver is gone"
  5. Eight years of zero-carb eating and "have never looked or felt better!"
  6. The keto diet: "At age 55 I am in better shape than when I was 30"
  7. After one year of low carb: "I am 70 years old today and have never felt better"
  8. Can a keto diet cure skin disorders?
  9. Antonietta lost 150 pounds on the keto diet
  10. How to quickly lose 50 pounds
  11. "I can go 24 hours without even thinking about food"
  12. Losing weight without hunger – how Christina did it
  13. "The best of it all is that I'm free of pain"
  14. "I am healing my brain as well as my pancreas!"
  15. Woman who ate 'carbs all day every day' drops 100 lbs after going keto
  16. How Gina really healed herself from obesity and metabolic syndrome
  17. 'Everything about me has changed'
  18. "Within three months of starting a well-formulated ketogenic diet, all flares were gone!"
  19. "A light went on for me"
  20. "Keto is now a lifestyle and not a diet"
  21. How Melissa lost 100 pounds with a keto diet, and kept it off for 15 years
  22. A low-carb diet: Maintaining a 70-pound weight loss for five years
  23. Reversing type 2 diabetes in only 2.5 months with keto and fasting
  24. The keto diet: "It felt like a miracle"
  25. Minus 125 pounds and no more binge eating on a keto diet
  26. Minus 50 pounds in four months on the keto diet
  27. Losing 80 pounds with a keto diet and intermittent fasting
  28. Down 100 pounds thanks to low carb and intermittent fasting
  29. How do you break through a stall? Calvin’s weight-loss experiment
  30. The keto diet: "I have come back from the dead"
  31. Can keto help autism? Ellis' story
  32. Carnivory: How Amber transformed her health with a meat-only diet
  33. The keto diet: From inability to walk to flying a plane
  34. The keto diet: Reversing type 2 diabetes
  35. The keto diet: "I started losing weight in such an easy manner"
  36. The keto diet: From pre-diabetes to feeling your best
  37. How Dolly turned her obesity and metabolic syndrome around
  38. With one foot in the grave, Robert turned things around and lost 200 lbs
  39. A ketogenic diet and brain cancer
  40. Sugar addiction meets keto
  41. How Tammy and Steve regained their health
  42. Can a keto diet help with severe gut issues?
  43. How Michelle finally found a diet she could stick to
  44. How Ricardo lost 240 pounds
  45. How Jade controls her epilepsy with keto
  46. How Leonie successfully manages type 1 diabetes
  47. How Richard conquered his type 2 diabetes
  48. The keto diet: "It has completely changed my life!"
  49. Long-term weight loss on keto: Maintaining a 'no excuses' attitude
  50. Jordan Peterson on his carnivore diet on the Joe Rogan Podcast
  51. A family's keto journey
  52. The keto diet: "Will eat this way for the rest of my life"
  53. Jacquie after 6 months on keto
  54. Suzanne Ryan shares her dramatic keto weight-loss story on Dr. Oz
  55. How Abby lost 65 pounds and reversed prediabetes
  56. "The keto diet has changed my life for the better and I know it can change yours too"
  57. How Virginia's life is different one year after going keto
  58. "I’m going to continue keto forever"
  59. The keto diet: From hungry and exhausted to satiated and energetic
  60. How Stephanie lost a whopping 150 pounds!
  61. A different path to the same destination
  62. How Gayle managed to change her life to the better at 66
  63. Losing weight when older with a slower metabolism
  64. Jil traded low-fat diets for a high-fat diet
  65. "Thank you for saving my life!"
  66. Can the keto diet help with migraines?
  67. Can low carb improve rheumatic disease?
  68. "Trying to heal my broken brain"
  69. "Now I've become one of your success stories..."
  70. "Keto is not a diet, it is a way of life"
  71. Can low carb heal carpal tunnel syndrome?
  72. From depression meds and diet pills to fasting and low-carb eating
  73. The keto diet: "On this journey I have found my own inner strength"
  74. How Dr. Huang adjusted keto to Chinese cuisine
  75. "I am 80 and I am angry"
  76. "My experience has been fantastic"
  77. "I am literally 60% of the man I used to be"
  78. The low-carb diet: "It has been 6.5 wonderful and eye-opening months"
  79. Finally, 100 sugar-free days!
  80. Keto and fasting: "I feel as good as I haven't felt in years"
  81. "Life. Is. Good."
  82. "Keto saved and changed my life"
  83. The keto diet: "My little secret lies in avocado, eggs and coconut oil"
  84. "Food is very powerful and the right foods will literally be your medicine"
  85. How Javier went from morbidly obese to having a new life
  86. "My doctor was astounded, repeating “I don’t believe it!” over and over"
  87. Reversing type 2 diabetes and losing 50 pounds in three months on a keto diet
  88. "Overall, I now have a completely new life"
  89. The keto diet: "Not only do I love it, but it has changed my life and body"
  90. How Daniel beat his type 2 diabetes and lost over 40 pounds
  91. The keto diet: Carina lost 55 pounds in six months
  92. "Eating an LCHF diet has reversed my diabetes and changed my life"
  93. The keto diet: "It just shows that no matter your age, you can lose weight and keep it off"
  94. “I had been trying to lose weight since the age of 9. And they told me all that I had left was bariatric surgery”
  95. "Golden health is golden wealth"
  96. The keto diet: "What I couldn’t believe was how easy it was!"
  97. The result of a stricter LCHF and intermittent fasting
  98. "You can’t do that," he said. I did it anyway"
  99. "I was skeptical, but since I got to eat bacon and eggs I was in"
  100. "It just feels like common sense now"
  101. "The fact that I felt 15 years younger couldn’t be ignored"
  102. Sandra’s incredible weight-loss journey
  103. 'My self-confidence has increased ... I now participate in life'
  104. My success story with Chuck Hicks
  105. My success story with Mitzi Champion
  106. My success story with Katrin Crum
  107. My success story with Carole Freeman
  108. How Jade controls her epilepsy with keto
  109. Losing 135 pounds in one year with LCHF
  110. Losing 55 lbs on LCHF without hunger or running
  111. Ate a high-fat diet - lost 200 lbs
  112. Normalized blood sugar and 135 pounds lost with LCHF
  113. "I was constantly fatigued and eating"
  114. "I was told I was “diabetic” and had to go on drugs to control it"
  115. "Their diet plan didn't seem to help a person with diabetes"
  116. "I feel great and strong and life is good"
  117. How John Fagley reversed his diabetes by eating MORE fat
  118. How to lose 150 pounds on low carb – and keep it off for five years!
  119. How to lose 240 pounds without hunger
  120. "Thanks to LCHF, I reversed my type 2 diabetes and life Is good again"
  121. Yet another diabetes reversal
  122. Progress: -30 pounds in another 3 months, total -80 pounds on LCHF!
  123. "They are amazed at my energy level"
  124. Reversing diabetes – "it sounded almost too good to be true"
  125. How Jason lost 90 lbs in 9 months
  126. "I can’t explain the absolute joy I feel"
  127. "The nurse wanted to award me a gold medal"
  128. Doing the impossible: reversing type 2 diabetes and losing 80 pounds
  129. “A better version of me!”
  130. Low carb and competitive sports – do they work together?
  131. Jan lost 101 pounds without hunger or counting calories
  132. "This has been the easiest thing to stick to"
  133. "Fat was the key!"
  134. And the second winner is...
  135. "I gave LCHF time and it’s given me my life back"
  136. "Ever since I was a child, I have tried to lose weight"
  137. "This is definitely a way of eating for life!"
  138. Tommy is half the man he used to be
  139. "I enjoy eating like this with little to no hunger"
  140. "Enjoying the loads of energy I have now"
  141. "I don't feel like I'm five years older – more like five years younger!"
  142. "It's a miracle"
  143. "I've been burned in the past and I wanted to do it right and healthy this time"
  144. "Both my wife and I are feeling better than ever"
  145. ”It's amazing, for the first time in my life I experience inner peace and no cravings"
  146. "For me, it's a miracle"
  147. "I can’t stop telling people about it"
  148. "For the first time I am not hungry"
  149. "This has changed my life"
  150. "I was amazed at what I could eat and how much weight I lost"
  151. Doing the impossible on a ketogenic diet
  152. "This lifestyle change is one of the easiest and best decisions I've made"
  153. "I will continue this lifestyle"
  154. "I have not felt this good in 20 years"
  155. "I have fun eating again!"
  156. "I have the energy to do things I never thought would be possible"
  157. "We were hooked, we were full to the brim of the best food ever"
  158. "I have the key to living a healthy, fulfilling life without restrictions in a way I love!
  159. "I DID it"
  160. "A new me with lots of life"
  161. "I feel so much better"
  162. "Everybody tells me I look like I'm in my 30's (I'm 69)."
  163. "My doctor could not believe it"
  164. "Had to tell the world about It!"
  165. "Without LCHF it is not possible!"
  166. "So happy to know that all I have done for the last year not only worked, it worked well"
  167. "Mine is an ongoing story that I am eager to share"
  168. "I can’t tell you how much weight I have lost because I DON'T CARE!"
  169. "I didn’t do what I always did, so I got something else!"
  170. "Low carb high fat is what works for me"
  171. "I feel this is definitely the way for me for the rest of my life"
  172. "THAT is success!"
  173. "I still don’t quite understand how or why LCHF works, but it has transformed my life"
  174. "It is a lifestyle change and not a diet"
  175. "I'm making it my life's mission to make this stop and to educate other diabetics on this"
  176. 4.5 years with keto and IF and "everything got better"
  177. "All round benefits – wow"
  178. "It was amazing and the weight just started to drop"
  179. "Eight years on, I love my life"
  180. "It was easy, it was tasty, we were not hungry, and we didn't want to stop"
  181. "In my mid 40's I feel healthy as never before"
  182. Minus 99 pounds and a sugar-free year – thank you, LCHF!
  183. "I knew straight away that this diet was the only choice for me"
  184. "I look and feel like a new person"
  185. "I no longer crave sweets or let food control me"
  186. "My life has literally changed"
  187. "Instead of living a little with cheat foods, I am living a LOT, with keto!"
  188. "This is my year of change!"
  189. "The old me would not have believed that the new me could be like this"
  190. "This is the new me"
  191. "My weight is stable and my mood is escalating"
  192. "What an amazing journey"
  193. Minus 165 pounds in 12 months using low carb and intermittent fasting
  194. The power of a keto diet for revolutionizing health
  195. "Low carb has saved my life"
  196. "My entire life has changed for the better"
  197. "I will never go back to the lifestyle and diet that I had"
  198. Never too old, too sick, too late to experience positive results with low-carb eating
  199. "This is the absolute best I have felt in years"
  200. "My results speak for themselves"
  201. "I wasn’t living before, I was surviving, now I live"
  202. "My doctor is quite impressed with my success"
  203. That girl
  204. "I wish I knew that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to when I got started!"
  205. "Yes, it is possible to reverse type 2 diabetes!"
  206. The keto diet: "My plan is to keep on doing it for the rest of my life"
  207. The keto diet: "After one month only, ALL of my symptoms resolved"
  208. A low-carb diet: "I had enough energy throughout the whole race, which never happened before"
  209. The keto diet: "This is a way of eating for the rest of my life"
  210. The keto diet: "My health has never been better"
  211. "Keto has been miraculous"
  212. The keto diet: Maintaining a 150-pound loss for 10 years
  213. "Everything has changed" since starting a keto diet
  214. The low-carb diet: Maintaining a 100-pound weight loss for over a decade
  215. "Keto has worked great for me and I keep eating that way"
  216. The low-carb diet: "Healthy, happy, active and full of life again!"
  217. The keto diet: "Everyone comments on how much better I look"
  218. "My husband got to live five more years thanks to keto"
  219. The keto diet: "I feel fabulous"
  220. The keto diet: "It's unbelievable that it could be this easy"
  221. Maintaining a loss of 100-plus pounds for 10 years with low carb and keto
  222. 60 pounds and all health issues gone on a keto diet
  223. Low-carb case report: Patrick
  224. Keto couple loses 200 pounds together
  225. Suzanne Ryan had tried every diet, then she found keto – and lost 120 pounds
  226. The keto diet: "I can eat just about everything I enjoy with a few substitutes"
  227. How this couple lost 145 pounds and transformed their lives with low carb
  228. The keto diet: "I am over the moon right now"
  229. The keto diet: "I have no doubt that I will reach my goal"
  230. The keto diet: "Everybody asks me: What have you done?"
  231. "I started the 2-week challenge and felt healthier and happier from day 1"
  232. The keto diet: "Eight months later I weigh less than I have in 15 years and I’m doing great!"
  233. Type 2 diabetes, morbid obesity and multiple conditions reversed on a keto diet
  234. Woman sheds 65 pounds on the keto diet (after failing on all other diets)
  235. "Intermittent fasting and keto together both changed my life"
  236. Can keto help certain kids? A pediatrician's story
  237. The keto diet: "I feel 1000% better"
  238. The keto diet: Feeling the best you ever have at 40
  239. The keto diet: "I have never felt better in my life!"
  240. The keto diet: "The results were nothing short of miraculous"
  241. The keto diet: "This way of life really seems to work!"
  242. Mats lost 66 pounds: "Keto works"
  243. The keto diet: I will never go back
  244. How Melanie got her energy back
  245. My success story with Gillian Szollos
  246. How Bill reversed his type 2 diabetes and lost 94 lbs
  247. Steven got his self-esteem and confidence back!
  248. How Richard got a new life at 69
  249. How Jonathan ended his junk-food habits
  250. Feeling like your early 30s in your late 40s
  251. What happened when Dawn found keto
  252. How Emre found a sustainable diet
  253. My success story with Chuck Hicks
  254. How Maria finally found her sustainable diet
  255. My success story with Carole Freeman
  256. How to reverse type 2 diabetes and get fitter by the month
  257. How Sher got rid of her baby weight and joint pain
  258. How Judy finally won over her migraines
  259. How Deborah turned her hip surgery into a lifestyle change
  260. How Ashley got rid of all her stomach issues
  261. How April dramatically improved her active life with keto
  262. How Anita transitioned to the keto diet and changed her life
  263. "I'm doing things now that I never would have dreamed of doing before"
  264. "Try Diet Doctor and keto – the only thing to lose is fat"
  265. How Artur turned his life around