Low carb nuts – the best and the worst

What are the best and the worst nuts to eat on a low carb diet? Check out this guide, the lower carb options are to the left.
Low-carb nuts
keto nuts
The numbers by the nuts are the percent of digestible carbohydrates, i.e net carbs. This means that a hundred grams of nuts (3½ ounces or about three handfuls) will contain this many net carbs.

Carbs list

Brazil: 4 grams of net carbs, 7.5 grams of fiber, 11.5 grams of total carbs
Pecan: 4 grams of net carbs, 9.5 grams of fiber, 13.5 grams of total carbs
Macadamia: 5 grams of net carbs, 8.5 grams of fiber, 13.5 grams of total carbs
Walnut: 7 grams of net carbs, 6.5 grams of fiber, 13.5 grams of total carbs
Hazelnut: 7 grams of net carbs, 9.5 grams of fiber, 16.5 grams of total carbs
Peanut: 8 grams of net carbs, 8.5 grams of fiber, 16.5 grams of total carbs
Pistachio: 15 grams of net carbs, 10.5 grams of fiber, 25.5 grams of total carbs
Cashew: 22 grams of net carbs, 3 grams of fiber, 25 grams of total carbs

The best and the worst

All nuts provide healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, and eating them may even help improve some heart disease risk factors.

The carb counts of different nuts vary quite a bit, though.

The three lowest carb options are to the left – Brazil, macadamia and pecan nuts. These should be the first choices for nuts when following a low carb diet as they are low in carbs, high in fat, and most people find them delicious! Although, a word of caution about Brazil nuts. They are a fantastic source of selenium, and only one or two per day can supply you will all the selenium you need. Just don’t over do it! More than 20 could lead to selenium toxicity.

The group in the middle can be enjoyed in moderation by most people on low carb.

The worst options are to the right, pistachio and (especially) cashew nuts. Be very careful with these nuts if you’re trying to maintain a ketogenic diet, as the carb grams will quickly add up. Just two handfuls of cashews contain 20 grams, the daily allowance on a strict low carb diet.

Also, keep in mind that regardless of their carb counts, nuts are delicious and can be easy to overeat. So keep portions modest, especially if you want to lose weight.

Salt and reward

Most people find that nuts taste better and get more rewarding when they are salted.

Be aware that this can often result in eating far more nuts than you need to stop your hunger, something that can slow down weight loss.

A good option is to just bring out a small bowl of nuts, not the entire bag.


Here are our most popular low carb recipes featuring nuts.

More (including snacks)

Worse choices

Worse choices than keto nuts: M&M's, potato chips, donuts, chocolate bar

Top 7 low carb nuts

Top 7 low-carb nuts

Here’s our list of the top 7 low carb nuts, ranked by the amount of carbs.

  1. Pecan nuts – 100 g (3½ ounces or about three handfuls) contains 4 grams of net carbs.
  2. Brazil nuts – 100 g contains 4 grams of net carbs.
  3. Macadamia – 100 g contains 5 grams of net carbs.
  4. Hazel nuts – 100 g contains 7 grams of net carbs.
  5. Walnuts – 100 g contains 7 grams of net carbs.
  6. Peanuts – 100 g contains 8 grams of net carbs.
  7. Almonds – 100 g contains 9 grams of net carbs. Almonds can also be ground into almond flour. Its neutral flavor makes it a good substitute for high carb flours, and it’s used in many low carb recipes for bread or even pizza.

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