The best low-carb & keto
chocolate recipes
Can chocolate really be part of a healthy keto or low carb diet?
Close your eyes. Think chocolate dessert. What comes to mind? Cake? Mousse? Ice cream? Brownie? A square of dark chocolate? All of the above? If you’re looking for low-carb or keto recipes starring chocolate, we have a wide variety, including baked goods, creamy mousses, chilled desserts, candy, and more.
Chocolate is the ultimate dessert, and fortunately, it CAN be keto-friendly. In moderation, of course! But there are a few things you need to know about chocolate if you want to avoid the most common mistakes, so keep reading.
How to choose the right chocolate
Most of our low carb or keto chocolate recipes call for unsweetened cocoa powder or unsweetened chocolate bars. Some recipes might call for 80% cocoa or higher chocolate bars.
If using commercially sweetened chocolates, please refer to our sweetener guide. Maltitol is ubiquitous in commercial chocolate bars and is not recommended.

How to succeed with your baked low-carb chocolate desserts
- Cocoa powder not only brings a rich chocolate flavor to baked goods, but the cocoa powder itself behaves as an alternative flour, adding bulk and texture to low carb or keto baked goods.
- The trick to baking with cocoa powder is not to overbake, which tends to make the end result dry and crumbly.
- A general rule of thumb, to test whether adequately cooked through, lightly press down on the center. If the center is soft, then your baked goods need more time. If there is slight resistance to light pressure, then remove it from the oven immediately.
- Many low-carb baked goods change in texture or consistency after baking, and chocolate recipes using cocoa powder are no exception. Expect baked goods to become softer over time.
- To keep baked goods moist, be sure to cover or wrap tightly as soon as they are cooled. Leftovers should generally be refrigerated since these homemade goodies have no preservatives.
Want to try your hand at chocolate keto or low-carb baked goodies? Here are a few of our favorites!
Birthday chocolate cake recipes
These cakes will be successful at any kind of celebration or dinner party. We give you six delicious options pairing creamy, salty, silky ingredients with the sweet and dark notes of chocolate to remind you how delicious keto or low-carb can be.
Combine chocolate’s best friend, peanut butter or smooth cream cheese, into an irresistible cheesecake or buttercream cake. These flavors have been BFFs since the beginning of time!
Remember that obtaining a creamy texture doesn’t always require dairy. You’ll find that this dairy-free chocolate tart and are as equally satisfying and delicious as dairy-based chocolate desserts.
Chocolate ice cream and candy
Sometimes small nibbles of chocolate can satisfy a sweet tooth and allow for better portion control than larger desserts.
A tip for portion control is to store these bits and bites in the freezer to keep them out of sight until they’re on your mind. If you’re looking for other ice cream flavors, check out our collection of keto and low-carb ice cream.
Chocolate mousse and puddings
Obtaining that to-die-for creamy texture doesn’t always require dairy. You’ll find that this coconut milk-based pudding is as equally satisfying and delicious as dairy-based chocolate treats.
Whether your favorite is chocolate pudding or mousse, we’ve got four delicious options for you to try.