Keto and low-carb vegetable recipes
Want to know which vegetables are best for a healthy keto diet? Then you’ve come to the right place! Our new animated video has the 10 best keto vegetables. They’re low-carb, nutritious, and great for improving health. Watch for inspiration on how to prepare them in delicious ways.
After watching, find our best vegetable recipes below. Cauliflower pizza crust. Broccoli smothered in cheese. Brussels sprouts with bacon. There’s lots more mouth-watering recipes featuring these vegetables in our collection.
1. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is king! Our #1 most popular keto vegetable is so useful that you can even turn it into a healthy pizza crust. Cauliflower has just 3 grams of net carbs per 100-gram serving.All our cauliflower recipes
2. Avocado
Did you know avocado is technically a fruit? Still, we rank it high on our list of top keto vegetables because of its nutrients and healthy fat. Also: guacamole.
All our avocado recipes
3. Broccoli
Have you tried broccoli smothered with cheese? This top keto vegetable is rich in protein and fiber, with only 4 grams of net carbs per 100-gram serving.
All our broccoli recipes
4. Cabbage
Cabbage doesn’t get enough clout. It’s an awesome keto vegetable because it’s so versatile. It can double as a wrap or cut up into pasta-like strands. But we love it best as a summer slaw.
All our cabbage recipes
5. Zucchini
Have you heard of zoodles? It’s your new favorite pasta. This keto vegetable is easy to transform with the help of a handy kitchen spiralizer.
All our zucchini recipes
6. Spinach
If we’re ranking based solely on carb count, spinach is the clear keto winner! With only 1 gram of net carbohydrates per 100-gram serving, you’d have to try pretty hard to eat too much. It’s a delicious addition to omelets, sautéed in butter, or creamed in a skillet.
All our spinach recipes
7. Asparagus
They look like spears, which is fitting, because they hit the keto target. Steamed, grilled, or dipped, with only 2 net grams of carbs per 100-gram serving, there’s no need to feel guilty about drizzling a buttery sauce on top.
All our asparagus recipes
8. Kale
Kale is oh-so-tender when baked in a casserole or massaged and tossed with salad dressing. It’s also fantastic as crispy kale chips or served in creamy kale smoothies.
All our kale recipes
9. Green beans
Such an amazing keto vegetable that it has multiple names. Green beans, string beans, snap beans, or haricots verts… whatever you like to call them, keep them around! Our tip? Put a bag in your freezer so you can toss ‘em into stews or soups.
All our green bean recipes
10. Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts + bacon. Name a better duo; we’ll wait. This little keto vegetable that’s BIG on flavor. Good as a side or shredded raw in a fresh salad.